
Posted by on Saturday, September 16th, 2006

Not dead.  Swamped at work.

Bill and Shirley, the keepers of the llamas-in-law are in town, so we’re showing them some great things about Virginia and DC.  I even managed to take pictures.

I’ve been working away on Print o’ the Wave, on some sock ideas (which all get frogged), and on a circular needle hanging holder (which I may burn at the stake).  Frustration abounds.

Filed in blather,knitting | 2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Pause”

  1. rachelon 18 Sep 2006 at 12:14 pm 1

    I was wondering….hadn’t even seen a peep out of you on KR all week. I hear you with the frustration. I’m trying to start my most ambitious lace project ever and if I could just make it past the freakin’ circular cast-on of 8 stitches with laceweight yarn on 5 size 5 dpns…it’s kind of like trying to balance 5 bowling pins on the tip of your pinky finger. I think I’m on the 16th attempt now…Just goes to show you–fiddling isn’t just for fiddles. But speaking of music, I got to see a little bit of live Robbie Fulks the other night, so it’s all good. Hope you’re having fun with your friends.

  2. minnieon 20 Sep 2006 at 8:16 am 2

    i understand frustration. i just got married saturday, and, well, thank god the weather behaved. i’m still tired

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