Archive for October, 2007


on Oct 31st 2007

Every Samhain is about autumn, and harvest, and friendship for us. This year was also about puppies: this is Maggy.  She and her sister Molly moved in with Scaigheagh’s family. And horses.  I particularly love greys and dapples. Horses particularly love cider, and Scott. (See that pole way in the background?  That’s the Maypole we […]

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Eureka . . .darn

on Oct 26th 2007

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on Oct 23rd 2007

I have amazing new socks. For which I take no credit.  Jen dyed up some gorgeous yarn, and Jane wrote a great pattern.  These were a hoot to make, and are very very comfortable.  I knit them very densely, so the sole is very cushioned.  I need some cold weather now, please. And I have […]

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on Oct 16th 2007

Lady of the Lake is finished, and blocking did it a world of good.  When I took it off the needles on Sunday and tried it on, I was sorely tempted to burn it.  It was far too poofy, and it didn’t drape in at the waist at all the way fly-away cardigans normally do.  […]

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A Stitch or two

on Oct 10th 2007

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Wiyos, Steeplechase, Montpelier, and knitting

on Oct 8th 2007

Friday night, we went with Square and Tara to see the Wiyos at the Lyceum.  Hot damn, that was a good show.  I knew I’d like the band as soon as I saw their name–they take their name from the Whyos, one of the most terrifying Irish gangs ever to stalk the streets of the […]

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Drive-by reviews: The Burial at Thebes, Celtic Myth and Legend, Brokeback Mountain, and Into Thin Air

on Oct 7th 2007

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