Archive for May, 2007

Salt Dancers

on May 31st 2007

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Remind me

on May 29th 2007

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Busy Busy Busy

on May 26th 2007

Whoops.  We’ve been racing around like mad, here.  Busy busy busy (and yes, I do always and only use the phrase as Vonnegut intended.  He infiltrated my skull way back in the way back, that old coot.)  So I’ll fill all y’all in, and back-post some reviews, and try to mend my blog-neglecting ways. First, […]

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Owls Do Cry

on May 22nd 2007

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Fast Food Nation

on May 21st 2007

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Pop Quiz

on May 17th 2007

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The Deceivers

on May 14th 2007

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Dear Knitting,

on May 9th 2007

I’ve been meaning to write.  I know you don’t want to hear any excuses, and I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors about me and sewing, and me and spinning, and me and the kitchen.  Well, none of them are true.  I may have picked up a few needles with eyes lately, but they’re not really […]

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Five years, or twelve, or forever, depending on how you count it

on May 4th 2007

Today is our fifth wedding anniversary, and a little over twelve years since Scott and I decided we were, well, us.  I generally try to quell the sap.  But I can’t for a  single second hide the fact that I think I am one of the luckiest people in the world.  I met Scott when […]

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on May 2nd 2007

by Sandra McPherson The man vending needles at our door Was lucky to greet you. He looked poor but you acted needle-poor Where I’d have said, I don’t need … He sells needles to prick your heart And they’ll take small bites Out of my finger in a layer of skin Where my feelings are […]

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