Laurel for Suphunibal rabat bat Abdeshmun

Posted by on Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022

To Lady Suphunibal
This is the hallowed place, built in the month of the sacrifice of the sun,
as a gift in the temple by Lærimoðir Álfrún ketta, scholar and artist.
For Suphunibal has raised our people in glory for these many years,
sharing her most venerated knowledge of dyes, draping, and adornment.

Let her years under Tanit’s sky be as many as the stars above.
The Laurel adorns those whose scholarship, teaching, and art shine out,
as does the genius of Aelia Suphunibal.
Let her brow be encircled in the glossy leaves of Noble Bay,
and her form wrapped in purple most prized.
Bid her lead student and apprentice in atelier and auditorium
so all may share her insight
with those who would learn
and her art with those who prove worthy.

During the reign of Cuan and Adelhait, she is granted a Patent
and raised as Suphunibal rabat bat Abdeshmun
For King and Queen have called her Laurel
in the month of Masan as the war of Pennsic paused,
on this day in August, Anno Societatis LVI


Text by Lanea, 

Calligraphy and Illumination by Kolfinna Valravn

Research and exemplar info:

Pyrgi Tablets: Inscriptions, end of the 6th century BCE, Production place: Cerveteri, gold, engraved leaf, Dimensions in cm: length 19; width 9, at Museo Nazionale Etrusco Fragment of limestone stele: Carved; with four lines of inscription remaining, top line almost completely lost. Below is a wreath between two Tanit symbols on standards. Limestone votive stela; 4 line inscription; below the inscription is a lotus flower flanked by a hand raised in blessing; in the apex is a Tanit symbol. Tanit symbol flanked by a hand and a caduceus. The Tanit symbol is incised with double lines except for an elongated lozenge at the top of the triangle just below the crossbar. band of bead and reel. The Tanit symbol has some unusual features, especially the use of caduceus finial with snakes’ heads. The elongated lozenge is also unusual. It has been suggested that it is meant be either male or female genitalia. On this figure it could be either.


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