Knitting, and Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins
Lanea on Sep 30th 2007
Before the baking, a minor knitting update. I’ve tweaked the Lady of the Lake pattern so that the sleeves are knit in the round from the shoulder down, because that’s how they should be knit, dammit. I am also making an absolutely lovely pair of Hedgerow socks* out of Spirit Trail sock yarn in a […]
Cinderella’s silken socks
Lanea on Sep 26th 2007
So, I was having that ongoing problem with socks just plain not working out that I mentioned. I did some soul-searching, talked to some other sock knitters about possible solutions, and decided on a plan. The plan involved some frogging, some math, and some generosity. Now we’ve reached the generosity segment of my recovery process. […]
yeesh–emergency email change
Lanea on Sep 25th 2007
I cannot currently reply to any email coming in through my old email address, and since we’re firing our cable/internet provider in a matter of days, they’re not going to be terribly inclined to help. Soooooo, if you’ve emailed me in the last few days and I haven’t replied, that is why. I am also […]
Whirlwind weekend
Lanea on Sep 23rd 2007
(Before I begin an actual post, I just want to point out that the fact that so many people mistakenly say “worldwind” when they mean “whirlwind” makes veins pop out on my forehead, and may eventually result in my death from aneurysm. So if I do pop a vessel and kick it, please honestly list […]
With the quickness
Lanea on Sep 19th 2007
(How’s that for a musical allusion in a title, eh? An old friend of ours joined HR’s band recently. I’m sure this makes sense to no one, but that’s never really hindered my blathering before . . .) Right, posting with the quickness, because I need to get back to Battlestar Geek-lactica’s old seasons on […]
Ends, beginnings, and revisions
Lanea on Sep 16th 2007
The last of the ends are woven into the sockyarn blanket. I spent some time over the weekend discovering that I actually can crochet, sort of, but that crochet doesn’t seem to be fixing the curling around the edges. I’m giving some thought to a seed-stitch border, or perhaps some really burly crochet edgings. I’d […]
Just one quick yank
Lanea on Sep 8th 2007
And it will all be over. And, also, the sun will come out. It’s done, so I can restart the second hose (sock? I still need a singulative for hose) again once I befriend the math. Again. I may be in the midst of making some socks for someone else, but I may also just […]