Passing the time
Lanea on Mar 23rd 2009
The prizes are done and ready to go to Martha, Shelia, and K. Things are blooming in the garden. And I’m puttering away in the studio. And visiting chickens, and friends, in Lovettsville for knitting photography (notice the “headless hen” trick below).
Peeking out
Lanea on Mar 20th 2009
Thanks for all of your kindness last week, friends. It means a lot to me to know you’re out there. I spent Sunday with Ruadhan and Jen at the Homespun Yarn Party, and it was wonderful to get out of the house and away from grief. Jen invited me to bring some bags to sell, […]
4:40 a.m.
Lanea on Mar 12th 2009
The phone rang. A dear friend of ours died far too young. He was in good shape and he wasn’t stupid about his health, but he had a heart attack and now he’ll never see his 39th birthday. Mike was working late, and he died at his desk. He was my husband’s best friend. He […]
Fand’s Stole
Lanea on Mar 10th 2009
I’ve been so quiet about my knitting over the last several months because I’ve been working on some new patterns for publication. The first, Fand’s Stole, is now available through Spirit Trail Fiberworks. It’s a very quick, simple knit, designed to show off Jen’s wonderful silk and wilk/wool yarns. I made the first one from […]
Lanea on Mar 7th 2009
So, I removed my own comment, turned K’s second comment off temporarily, and that leaves us with 29 possible winners. I used the random number generator here. And . . . 5: K 4: Shelia 26 (when K’s second comment is out of the mix): Martha How fun is this! Congratulations, you three wacky knitters. […]
Lanea on Mar 6th 2009
For a while there my Google Reader was showing me four digit numbers. I couldn’t read most friends’ blogs from work, and I was working a lot of overtime just in case Scott’s job search didn’t move as fast as we hoped. Last weekend while I was editing the new blog CSS, trying to build […]
Local Knit-blogger Bribes Readership–News at 5:00 and 11:00
Lanea on Mar 4th 2009
I’m still rearranging the new digs, but I’d like you to join me here with your RSS subscriptions. So, how about some bribery prizes for loyal readers who make the trek with me? I’ve got lovely little Lanea-made sock bags and plenty of fabric to make more, and I may even feel the urge to […]