Archive for February, 2011

And the winners are . . .

on Feb 24th 2011

It’s time to pick! A few people exempted themselves from the drawing, so the possible recipients are: The Joyful Quilter: on 14 Feb 2011 at 8:55 pm: These pin cushions are SO funky! What a fun item for any sewing room. Anna on 14 Feb 2011 at 10:20 pm: The pincushions are very cute, Lanea! […]

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One for me, two for you

on Feb 14th 2011

I’ve finally started knitting something for myself again!  This is the Winding River Cowl, knit in Spirit Trail’s luscious Birte in Case of the Blues.  I love all of Jen’s cashmere/silk/wool blends, but this one feels particularly decadent because of its weight.  I can’t wait to finish this, because I really want a chance to […]

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Keeping a tally

on Feb 13th 2011

The sweatshop is in full swing.  I’ve been making clothes for living history, finishing knits for others, sorting scraps for projects, and updating the Big Bad Spreadsheet of Supplies.  When I started measuring and sorting and folding and organizing everything last fall, a few friends scratched their heads, and a few thought it sounded like […]

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Sorting socks

on Feb 7th 2011

I learned to knit so that I could knit my own socks, and it shows. I decided to tally up the hand-knitted socks I’ve kept, and was a bit surprised. I knew that they took up a large portion of our drying rack whenever I washed them, but I hadn’t realized how large the collection […]

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A Blogger’s (Silent) Poetry Reading

on Feb 2nd 2011

This year, I’m trying to focus more clearly on music than I have since, well, since the world went all pear-shaped in 2009.  I’ve also been doing more research on early medieval Scandinavia than usual.  It feels right, then, to give you a song that circles through my brain, particularly as the ground starts to […]

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