Archive for April, 2007

Midway points

on Apr 23rd 2007

I accomplished a fair amount over the last couple of weeks, but never got around to showing you.  I finished the first kilt hose (what is the singular of hose?  hosen?  holy crap, have I just realized that “hose” has no singulative? now I have to go read some linguistics . .  .) I know […]

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on Apr 21st 2007

Thank you all for being so kind to the greater Hokie community and to the friends and families of the victims.  I know my worry and sorrow was minuscule compared to what those who saw the shootings or lost loved ones experienced.  We can’t undo what happened on Monday, but we can try to comfort […]

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A moment of peace

on Apr 20th 2007

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on Apr 17th 2007

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Wave and shell

on Apr 11th 2007

Have I mentioned that secrets are not my forte?  Yeah, they’re not.  When I buy Scott a cool present, I immediately come home and say "I bought you the coolest present" over and over again until he flees the room.  I am impatient, and I put my impatience on other people’s shoulders.  This time, though, […]

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National poetry month, and wool poems

on Apr 11th 2007

Wow, we excel at slack these days. April is national poetry month.  I’ve been spending so much time hiding from my writing that I haven’t been much of a poetry reader lately.  But let’s forget about that for a moment and think about words. Lots of people quote the opening of The Wasteland  right about […]

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Into the West

on Apr 8th 2007

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on Apr 7th 2007

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A clue

on Apr 4th 2007

Quite literally: a clue. There’s the end of the yarn from the secret knitting.  Also, this has been happening: Kilt hose in the offing.  I’m using Trekking XXL in a blue and teal colorway, which isn’t showing well in the gloom today.  I’ve just designed the pattern as I work.  It tapers to hug the […]

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House of Mirth

on Apr 4th 2007

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