Archive for May, 2011

I keep forgetting

on May 31st 2011

I’ve been blogging away in my head, and even taking some pictures, but never getting around to actually uploading photos or typing things out. There may be some sleep deprivation going on.  Maybe. The gardening–it was manic for a while there.  I was putting in 30 hours or more for weeks in a row, while […]

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Wild Decembers

on May 21st 2011

Wild Decembers by Edna O’Brien This book  encapsulates so much about rural Ireland and feuding families and the strictures on women.  It’s heart-breaking and beautiful and true.  O’Brien’s language is gorgeous, and the story unfolds like a great tragedy.  Unfortunately, the audio version I listened to was of poor quality.  I’m surprised Audible did such […]

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Out with the new, in with the old

on May 14th 2011

If you saw the little studio tour video I made a while back, you saw my studio.  I adore that room and spend a lot of time there, but it doesn’t generally come first in terms of furnishing budgets.  The knee walls limit shelving options, and our stairs are narrow, and we’ve spent a lot […]

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