Archive for July, 2006

You know what really hurts?

on Jul 31st 2006

The pain. i.e., sewing through your finger with a monster sewing machine.  I don’t recommend it.  I don’t recommend it at all.  Thankfully, it actually sounds worse than it is.  I didn’t hit the bone or the nerve pad.  It doesn’t hurt as long as I keep the broken nail stabilized.  And yes, I am […]

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A day in the life

on Jul 29th 2006

5:45 am: feed Kayo 6:00 am: report to sweatshop 8:00 am: released from sweatshop to eat breakfast, clean kitchen, and listen to Car Talk.  Discover entire dog’s worth of fur under Hoosier-esque cabinet.  Decline to spin said fur. 9:00 am: return to sweat shop 10:17 am: blow circuit by attempting to iron while air conditioner […]

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You can take the girl out of the sweatshop, but you shouldn’t give gin to the girl, or something

on Jul 28th 2006

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Ancient Manuscript Found

on Jul 26th 2006

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Weights and measures

on Jul 24th 2006

  That’s right–I’m betting I’ll stitch a mile sometime in the next while.  Not a short while, mind you, but it will happen.  I wish I had started measuring way back in the way back. I am in the sweatshop as much as I can stand to be in the sweatshop.  I do need to […]

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Clothing the Celts

on Jul 22nd 2006

There’s been a trend lately, wherein knitters take up sewing.  Lovely aprons and skirts and summery tops are popping up all over the blog-o-sphere.  Grand!  Which makes me think, maybe not all of the new stitchers have been given all of the secrets.   I started sewing costuming when I was 14.  By 16, I was […]

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Mood Indigo

on Jul 21st 2006

I don’t know where you were on Wednesday, but, damn girl/boy, you should have been with us.  Claudia wanted to see the Indigo Girls for her birthday.  Dami, in her own Dami-like way, started buying tickets and threatening to buy more tickets and possibly kidnap people and make them have fun, if it came down […]

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The Knitters Review Webring

on Jul 20th 2006

Here are the updated Ring guidelines, as developed on Knitter’s Review.  Please follow them, so we don’t have to move you into the queue: 1. Link to this page with the words "Knitters Review Member",  "Knitters Review Webring", or the ring button.  Don’t link to Molly’s old KR Ring page. 2.  Include, at a minimum, […]

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Feats of valor, and, er, excess

on Jul 18th 2006

Scott just saved a squirrel.  It had fallen off of our roof into a trashcan full of rain-water.  We don’t normally keep booby-traps around to torture the wildlife, but these floods and storms keep getting ahead of us.  Our hero was outside grilling up some burgers and just happened to check to see if any […]

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Come on in

on Jul 18th 2006

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