The Knitters Review Webring
Posted by Lanea on Thursday, July 20th, 2006
Here are the updated Ring guidelines, as developed on Knitter’s Review. Please follow them, so we don’t have to move you into the queue:
1. Link to this page with the words "Knitters Review Member", "Knitters Review Webring", or the ring button. Don’t link to Molly’s old KR Ring page.
2. Include, at a minimum, a back and a forward button so people can scroll through the ring.
3. Put your ring code somewhere obvious. If you put it at the bottom of the page in a footer, you’re not being particularly kind to those people who surf the ring or to me and the other ring checkers. Rings are fun because they are easy to surf–help the folks on either side of you–not just yourself.
4. Post about knitting and/or spinning regularly.
5. Post something at least once every two weeks.
6. Use the correct code.
* The image link in my code links to my copy of the button image. Yours needs to link to your copy of the button image. I am a kind, loving person, but if folks steal my bandwidth (aka, hotlink) unrepentantly, I will toss them out of the ring right quick-like.
* In the "previous" and "next" links, my number in the ring appears. In your code, you need to list your number. If your code is currently working correctly, you should maintain this number as-is.
Several of the kind members of Knitter’s Review are helping me check code throughout the ring. If you would like to pitch in, email me, PM me on KR, or leave a comment below. More hands lighten the load.
And now, the official disclaimer:
Disclaimer: This ring is not affiliated with Knitter’s Review. If you have problems with the ring, do not contact KR or Clara. Although she has given us her blessing to have this ring, she is not involved in anyway. Concerns should be sent to me at "lanea AT cox dot net." Thanks.
Filed in knitting | 14 responses so far
So you are done with the Celtic festival….and you rested for what, 3 weeks? Before taking on something new.
Do you know how to rest?
Also, I am insanely jealous that you might come and teach C how to weave. I want you coem and visit me.
I actually said something like – no, my Lanea.
Whick, OK, is a little immature.
You caught me. I have helium hand. This should be a lot easier than running a giant festival though. And not so sun-burny.
And you’re allowed to call dibs, Juno. You did introduce me to C, after all. Now if Simone or Aes hears you calling dibs, they may call super-double-dibs. I’ll just sit over here preening while the awesome women fight over me.
I have already put my hand up over at KR forums but I will also add my name here to be a checker so that you will get my email address. Glad to help out, but hey I surf the ring every weekend anyway 😉
I’m number 158 and the people on either side of me wither don’t exist or haven’t posted anything in so long they have a blank screen (all their widgets and pics are there.. not text) Let me know if I have to do anything more to get it to work.. Thanks.
I’m not a member of the KR netring on ringsurf, but I’d be happy to help out with the ring checking.
I’m hosting my own ring and the homepage is so I have some idea of how Ringsurf works.
Obviously I would like to join the KR ring but we’ll save that one for another day!
Let me know if I can be of assistance. Best wishes…Bernie
You are going to hate me, but is it waaaaay to late to join this web ring?
Thanks Lanea!
I put up the code, changed everything that looked like I should change it, got the button and uploaded a copy to my own site so there’d be no stealing of bandwidth. 🙂
i wanted to add the KR member button and have been having trouble since many months in adding any button. please help
Hi. I’m a webring member, but I moved my blog. How do I move the webring link to my new blog? Please help! Old blog:, new blog is Thanks, Stephani w/ no e
I thank you for your comment.
I just discovered Blogs this week and have no idea how they work. I have a website and I think I will just have a BLOB page so I don’t have to learn any more www stuff!
Seriously, where does one go to learn how to do this?
How do I join?
How do I get assigned a number? I read the directions over several times and don’t see a join or email link for this information.