Archive for the 'Food and Drink' Category


on Feb 9th 2017

Krupnik is a Polish spiced honey cordial, which my friend Scot introduced to be ten or fifteen years ago.  I learned to make it from my friend Jenny and took to altering the recipe to fit my palate.  The method I’ve devised is far from traditional at this point, but produces something less sweet and with a […]

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on Oct 23rd 2011

When I haven’t been in my studio, frantically sewing bags, I’ve been puttering about. I decided a few months ago that I needed to come up with a reliable, organized method for saving yarn to repair the things I knit.  After a lot of searching, I finally found a reasonably priced wooden card file for […]

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The Lonesome Crowded West

on Sep 3rd 2009

(how’s that for a lazy music allusion in a post title?) Scott and I scampered off to Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana for a couple of weeks, and I forgot to warn you in advance. We visited family and then we visited the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. I fell desperately in love with Wyoming. I’m […]

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Callinectes Sapidus and Persea Americana

on May 20th 2009

Last weekend, I went to the Potomac’s mouth, where it pours into the waving Chesapeake.  A group of some of my favorite women goes every year, and it’s so important to us for so many reasons. We talk and work on projects together and swim and paddle.  And we cook and eat together, as friends […]

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Sarafina takes the cake

on Feb 12th 2009

I’m all for small victories, you know.  Each finished row of knitting, each hem and button hole counts towards some vital tally in my head.  We just had a dessert party/bake-off at work, and my Almond Sarafina cake took the top prize.  I am absolutely chuffed.  I’d show you the cake, but there is no external evidence […]

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Knitting, and Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins

on Sep 30th 2007

Before the baking, a minor knitting update.  I’ve tweaked the Lady of the Lake pattern so that the sleeves are knit in the round from the shoulder down, because that’s how they should be knit, dammit.  I am also making an absolutely lovely pair of Hedgerow socks* out of Spirit Trail sock yarn in a […]

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Whirlwind weekend

on Sep 23rd 2007

(Before I begin an actual post, I just want to point out that the fact that so many people mistakenly say “worldwind” when they mean “whirlwind” makes veins pop out on my forehead, and may eventually result in my death from aneurysm.  So if I do pop a vessel and kick it, please honestly list […]

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Ends, beginnings, and revisions

on Sep 16th 2007

The last of the ends are woven into the sockyarn blanket.  I spent some time over the weekend discovering that I actually can crochet, sort of, but that crochet doesn’t seem to be fixing the curling around the edges.  I’m giving some thought to a seed-stitch border, or perhaps some really burly crochet edgings.  I’d […]

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Capital Weekend

on Mar 20th 2007

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on Nov 1st 2006

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