Archive for May, 2008

Home again home again, jiggety jog

on May 27th 2008

(Does your Mother Goose say “Jiggity Jig?”  Mine never did.) Back from Utah, tired but happy. The llamas and dogs and people we love out there are all well.  We had unusually cold weather, which I liked.  And we ventured into Colorado–my first visit there. That post about photography may have been prescient. Something went […]

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J is for Journey

on May 20th 2008

If I go out of my way to do anything, it’s to travel with and to see friends, particularly if it means we’ll be together away from television and computers and work and all of those things that get in the way of people really looking each other in the eye and hearing each other […]

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Color and shape

on May 15th 2008

The guys laid the last of the floor yesterday afternoon and are taking a break from us to go work on some strangers’ floor for a little while.  In the interim, we’re going to try to get some more painting done and to get things back in order.  I’m also going to try to get […]

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I is for Ireland

on May 13th 2008

I’ve been studying Ireland in particular and the Celtic world in general–from Paleolithic to Present–for almost as long as I remember.  I’m sure I’ve dedicated more hours to my subject than the average medical or law student has to theirs.  And yet I can’t really explain why.  I’m often asked to.  There aren’t many people […]

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Middlesex: A Novel

on May 11th 2008

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Books books books

on May 9th 2008

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