Archive for the 'dance' Category


on Oct 5th 2009

Lord a’mercy, I do let things slide.  I’ve finished a couple of pairs of socks I haven’t shown you, added a beautiful new tree to the garden to whom I have not introduced you, been to a fantastic music festival I haven’t talked about, read some huge number of books I haven’t reviewed, experienced a […]

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on Apr 16th 2008

Last weekend, I went out west to visit with Two Sock Knitters, and another Sock Knitter, and a whole passel of contra dancers.  The University of Chicago hosted a fantastic dance weekend, complete with the fantastic bands Cosmic Otters and Nightingale, and the amazing callers Adina Gordon and George Marshall.  We went to tons of […]

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Kate’s Mare

on Mar 9th 2008

I’ve been plotting a great trip out to Chicago for a dance weekend and visits with some wonderful friends, and I am giddy with excitement.  Giddy, I say! And in that spirit, I figured I should hop online to post some clogging cue sheets.  Kate’s Mare is one of the coolest clogging steps I know, […]

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on Mar 4th 2008

In footwork news: I taught a very informal clogging class for some friends Sunday, and it was an absolute hoot.  It felt great to be encouraging other folks to stomp about.  I think percussive dance is particularly appealing to folks with some strong tendencies towards rambunctiousness, and most of my friends could be described that […]

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C is for Contra, and Clogging

on Feb 12th 2008

C is for Contra dance, and Clogging–two long-standing passions of mine (and two things that are downright tough to photograph). I haven’t talked about either enough here on the blog, because I’ve been dealing with a few chronic injuries over the last several years, and it’s been keeping me off the dance floor more than […]

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Whirlwind weekend

on Sep 23rd 2007

(Before I begin an actual post, I just want to point out that the fact that so many people mistakenly say “worldwind” when they mean “whirlwind” makes veins pop out on my forehead, and may eventually result in my death from aneurysm.  So if I do pop a vessel and kick it, please honestly list […]

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Bright Fire

on May 1st 2007

Beltaine is the Irish word both for the month of May and for the festival that commemorates the height of spring.  Literally translated, it means “bright fire.”  I could talk about what Beltaine is all about, but I’ll just show you instead. First, Rowan, Etaine and I crossed the Potomac at White’s Ferry: And then […]

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Water water everywhere

on Sep 2nd 2006

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Send me your ears

on Jul 10th 2006

Writing a blog, I am often frustrated by either my failure to take the pictures I should or my inability to transmit certain sensations to all y’all.  I want you to be able to smell what I’m baking or cooking, or the flowers in my garden, or even my wet dog when he comes in […]

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