Kate’s Mare

Posted by on Sunday, March 9th, 2008

I’ve been plotting a great trip out to Chicago for a dance weekend and visits with some wonderful friends, and I am giddy with excitement.  Giddy, I say!

And in that spirit, I figured I should hop online to post some clogging cue sheets.  Kate’s Mare is one of the coolest clogging steps I know, and it’s notated here, along with some other good ones.  Don’t worry if they make no sense to you–if you’re learning to clog with the peeps, I’ll explain it all next time we get together.  If you want to understand immediately but it’s making your head explode, email me. 

Download cue_sheets.pdf

And now I’m heading back to the sweat shop.  My lace cardigan has two full sleeves and six inches of body below them, and there are another 10 or 12 sock bags in progress on my sewing table.  And all of that counts as prep for replacing all of the floors, right?  Sure it does!  Using stash=cleaning.  Soon, I’ll even be able to dance in my fiber-arts studio.  Though clogging while sewing sounds mighty dangerous. 

Brush heel slap heel shuffle step leap
Brush chug slide stomp brush chug slide stomp
Brush heel slap heel shuffle step leap
Brush chug slide stomp brush chug slide stomp
And a basic

Filed in dance,knitting,sewing | 3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Kate’s Mare”

  1. kon 10 Mar 2008 at 12:55 pm 1

    “Brush chug slide stomp brush chug slide stomp”
    Sounds like a hobbit drinking game. I’m in.
    Aside from that, it does sound fun. Do you have callers, or does everybody know what they’re supposed to do, like the Macarena, which I don’t know.

  2. Rachelon 10 Mar 2008 at 12:57 pm 2

    Giddy back!

  3. Kestrelon 11 Mar 2008 at 11:30 am 3

    So very happy to hear you are clogging again! Hooray for cooperative knees, ankles, and other body parts! Keep us posted and let us know if you do a public performance. Would love to come see you dance again!

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