Archive for July, 2016

Transferring embroidery designs onto black fabric

on Jul 23rd 2016

I learned how to embroider as a child, and it’s one craft that has stuck with me through my entire life.  For me, the biggest challenge of embroidery is transferring a design onto fabric–particularly dark fabric.  I cannot draw.  I don’t mean I’m not as good at drawing as I would like–I straight up can’t […]

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Crazy Lanea’s Summer Sewing Tips

on Jul 13th 2016

1. Sangria helps. So does delivered food. Hot kitchens ruin everything in July. 2. Unplug the damn iron dammit! What’re you trying to sweat us all to death? Crimeny–the puppy can’t stop panting. 3. Enclose yourself and your beloved window AC unit in a region of the home that has doors. Trap yourself and those […]

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