L is for Llamas
Lanea on Jun 24th 2008
My husband’s aunt and uncle have llamas out in Utah, as I’ve mentioned. They are fascinating, beautiful, funny creatures. Most of their llamas are excellent packers, and a real treat on hikes. I think most folks could easily develop an obsession with scratching those long, elegant necks. Watching them gambol once they’re released into […]
I’m going to my happy place, Metro, and you aren’t coming with me . . .
Lanea on Jun 9th 2008
I commute to DC for work, and most of my commute is on Metro, DC’s subway system. I don’t like working so far from home (23.6 miles, 9 of them in a car, with a river in the way during the subway trip). I am generally happy that I can do most of my commute […]
K is for Kayo
Lanea on Jun 2nd 2008
As in “yippie kai yo,” and as in Coyo(te), and as in our wonderful dog, half Chesapeake Bay Retriever, half Siberian Husky, and quite possibly the dog of a lifetime. He is officially elderly now, though you wouldn’t know it to look at him most of the time, so we have dedicated ourselves to […]