
Posted by on Monday, June 16th, 2008

So much to say in so little time . . .

Most importantly, our bardic trio Tethera performed at the Potomac Celtic Festival on Saturday and had a great time.  I don't know if I can explain how great it feels to have people appreciate our work.  We were lucky enough to have some dear friends come to the show, including my former PCF co-conspirator and our great emcee Dana Henry, Mike and TaraJinann, Mary and Máiréad (who then demanded we visit their booth and do an encore–I love them), Lynn . . . I'm sure I'm forgetting someone . . .  some of whom had never seen us sing or tell, so that was doubly great.  If you want to come out and see us when next we perform, come to the Pennsylvania Celtic Fling on June 28th and 29th.   We spent the rest of the day doing living history demos and talks with our tribe, watching great bands and dancers, and oogling our friends' merchant booths.  But I had to stay frugal because on Sunday we . . .

Bought a used 2005 Toyota Sienna, and got a great deal on it.  I can't tell you how excited I am about it.  My truck was really starting to wear on me, and Kayo's advancing age made his jumps in and out of it increasingly dicey, and my crunchy knees and oft unstable hip were rebelling against the clutch in the very bad DC traffic, so it was time.  The van is really swanky and in great shape, so I hope to have it for at least the next decade.  It's making me think bad things about looms and upright basses, but things like that will need to wait a while.  It will absolutely make camping and road trips much easier, and that's going to be fantastic. 

Other than that, I've been reclaiming my studio from the remodel (almost done), plotting some new historical garments for Scott and our friend Morag, knitting socks, planning sock bag color combos, reading, and watching John Adams.  

Filed in Celtic | One response so far

One Response to “Whirlwind”

  1. mapgirlon 07 Jul 2008 at 1:06 pm 1

    Sienna! HA! My sister has one for her and kids! It’s a tank with lots of headroom. I don’t mind it, as long as I’m not in the far back seat getting car sick…

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