Archive for March, 2015


on Mar 31st 2015

This Friday, I go to closing on this charming little place. It was build in 1895, and it’s on 3/4 of an acre. It’s also around the corner from a train station and outside one of the niftiest old neighborhoods in the greater DC area, so I’m very excited for the community I’ll be joining […]

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on Mar 26th 2015

Years ago, a friend decided he wanted to change some things about his interactions in the world, and about his role in our tribe.  We jokingly came up with an idea to kill the old him and raise a new one.  And then things got serious.  I had a hand in it and needed to […]

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on Mar 24th 2015

I  let this blog fall by the wayside while I became enmeshed in real world things.  I’ve gotten divorced–it was amicable but it was still hard.  I sold my house, watched my beloved dog reach the end of his days, helped care for my Aunt through the last months of her life, moved into my Aunt’s […]

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