Archive for August, 2006

The Shipping News

on Aug 31st 2006

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RSS annoyance

on Aug 25th 2006

Bloglines sux.  I’ve added some more vacation posts, but bloglines won’t tell you that for some mysterious reason.  Please scroll back for your voyeuristic pleasure. In other news, I’m definitely going to Rhinebeck (and hoping to drag Ruadhan and Etaine with me), and I may also be going to the Knitter’s Review retreat.  Woot! I’ve […]

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Hey, look! Over there! Shiny!

on Aug 24th 2006

Originally posted by Rachel   While I continue to have the craziest, busiest, most poetry-less life ever, let me attempt to use a classic distraction technique. This is my favorite new blog, over at Powell’s. It’s like the Daily Show for book news. It’s the most fun you’ll ever have while larnin’ stuff.

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on Aug 22nd 2006

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Home again home again

on Aug 20th 2006

A few weeks ago, we left home to go home to our tribe.    We’re back, safe and sound.  And a little sad that we couldn’t stretch the experience out for a while longer.  We had a wonderful time.  I built a village with friends, I cooked for friends, I ate with friends, I laughed […]

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on Aug 19th 2006

I don’t know who decided to give Hootie McBard (wearing CrazyLanea’s brand fashions) a Tiki God, but I’m pretty sure this might make the world explode, if repeated. Fionn and Alerin, post smashy smash. Maeve and Sedech’s son Gunner, 15.  This was his first year at camp, and I think he had a great time.  […]

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Women in White

on Aug 17th 2006

We’ve been doing this for years.  It’s a recreation of an event from the Iron Age that was recorded in a Roman history (no, I don’t know which one–Aes, do you remember?)  The non-combatant women of a tribe dressed in white with copper belts.  They danced around their warriors, chanting something that the witnesses couldn’t […]

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Arts and Sciences

on Aug 15th 2006

As you can see, I did a lot of hand-sewing while we were in the woods. I also finished the mother of all inkles for Drac.  He loved it. Despite its flaws. Oh, that edge is killing me.  If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t weave silk and wool of alternating […]

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Bog Olympics

on Aug 12th 2006

So, we host a thing called the Bog Olympics every now and again.  I think maybe it was originally Tara’s idea?  Here’s how it works: we gather people from all over together before the madness really starts there at summer camp; have them play a bunch of historic games; give out prizes; rinse and repeat.  […]

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Viking u like

on Aug 12th 2006

No, I haven’t lost my mastery of English, or of spelling. Some friends of ours have  a business called Viking U like.  We don’t get all of the guys every year, because they all live in Europe and do a much more robust business there at Viking re-enactment events.  But some assortment of the guys […]

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