
Posted by on Monday, October 5th, 2009

Lord a’mercy, I do let things slide.  I’ve finished a couple of pairs of socks I haven’t shown you, added a beautiful new tree to the garden to whom I have not introduced you, been to a fantastic music festival I haven’t talked about, read some huge number of books I haven’t reviewed, experienced a computer crisis too torturous to detail in full, and just generally kept to myself more than usual.

Most importantly: I escorted my Mom to her first chemo treatment last week, and things went very well.  We liked her infusion nurse, the port worked correctly, and she reacted well to the chemo meds.  We’ll be heading back there every three weeks, and I’m hoping she is lucky enough not to have too many side effects.  She has decided she doesn’t want her new shawl to be dyed, so that is washed and I’m hoping to block it tonight.  I’m still looking for good hat patterns for her, since I have another skein of the cashmere/mink.

Photo sorting  and storage combined with huge music libraries makes laptops and ipods and cameras stop functioning.  Wireless networking can run terribly afoul of anti-virus software and firewalls.  Moving iTunes is more distressing and painful than actually moving and organizing my real, physical music library has ever been.  (Those, combined, are the real reason for my absence of late.  The multitudinous shiny black contraptions have had tantrums galore, and are not quite ready to play nicely together yet.  I desperately need to updated my ipod, and I’m hoping tonight will be the night.)

I intend to get back in the studio to sew some bags for Rhinebeck, but the garden is just so fun to work on at this time of year. Moreover, my sewing machine and serger both have computers in them.  And, perhaps, despite my career and Scott’s career and the source of almost all of our money . . . I don’t think I like computers anymore.

Watermelon Park Fest was great this year, though the rains did dampen the fun on Saturday.

Scandinavian mysteries are addictive.

Blah blah blah.

Filed in blather,Books,Celtic,dance,knitting,Music,Travel | 3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Dithering”

  1. gayleon 05 Oct 2009 at 5:24 pm 1

    This always seems to be a crazy-busy time of year. Trying to wrangle computer crap on top of the normal crazy? Wow.
    Can’t wait to meet the new tree…

  2. Bullwinkleon 06 Oct 2009 at 4:27 am 2

    “Crazy-busy time of year” — that about says it, doesn’t it?

    But thank you – “updating my ipod” made me remember to download a new book this a.m.

  3. lellaon 13 Oct 2009 at 1:11 am 3

    good luck as a seller. May you sell to the bare walls, m’friend. Best Wishes.

    For some reason, I actually thought it had gone by already. Ah well, West Coast is not the best place to be for fiber stuff. Too hot! ;o)

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