I keep forgetting

Posted by on Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

I’ve been blogging away in my head, and even taking some pictures, but never getting around to actually uploading photos or typing things out. There may be some sleep deprivation going on.  Maybe.

The gardening–it was manic for a while there.  I was putting in 30 hours or more for weeks in a row, while still working at that paying job of mine.  We had a true spring for what seemed like the first time in ages, and I dove right in.  I put in hundreds of perennials and several trees and shrubs, I expanded the bed in the front yard that we plan to use to displace at least half of the lawn.  I weeded and mulched and plotted and moved stones.  We put in a huge new raised vegetable bed just as the nasty weather showed up last weekend . . . It goes on and on. I still need to order gravel and compost for the new vegetable bed and at least a yard or two more mulch, but I’m dreading the muggy local climate that will accompany the truly heavy lifting that’s staring down at me.  Asthma and photo-sensitivity and allergies combine to make summer gardening a serious challenge for me.

And then we found some termites.  It looks to be a recent development, and if I think about it for more than a few seconds, I start to itch and seriously contemplate weeping under my desk.  The little “just surface damage” chant circles in my mind.  Replacing the fascia and skirting board they munched on (gibblie gibblie gibblie)  will probably lead to new gutters and that will require some fence replacement and while we’re at it the white pine that’s threatening our house needs to come out.  In other words, I may need to sell pencils on a street corner.

I’ve talked to several people about a sewing machine table to go with the gorgeous new desk, and am trying to figure out who can produce the beautiful thing the fastest.  The weather is going to keep me out of the garden a lot for the next few months, and I want to spend those hours in the studio instead.  I have quilts to finish and bags to start and new designs to get onto cloth and friends to clothe.

Also, I knit.  I promise I do.  The second sock yarn blanket has my attention at the moment, but as it grows, I’m sure I’ll set it aside for something cooler.

Filed in blather,gardening,knitting,sewing | 2 responses so far

2 Responses to “I keep forgetting”

  1. bullwinkleon 03 Jun 2011 at 7:00 pm 1

    I’m right with you on the gardening front – oy – last weekend was hard!

    I can’t wait to see pix!

  2. lellaon 20 Aug 2011 at 12:58 am 2

    Gardens are so wonderful. I’m happy that you’ve been able to be in yours so many hours. Gardening is a great comfort in this crazy old world. take care.

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