
Posted by on Saturday, April 7th, 2007

Unless by Carol Shields

Shields is one of my favorite authors, and a rather influential Austen scholar as well.  Originally from from Oak Park, IL (like some of my favorite people), she chose Canada for her home after spending some time in Scotland.  I was burning through Shields’ novels a while back, but decided to slow down after she died.  I want to savor her writing, rather than gulping it down.

Unless was her last novel, and it tracks the mysterious breakdown of a young woman who suddenly leaves university, abandons her boyfriend and home, breaks ties with her family, and chooses to sit on a Toronto corner with a sign around her neck that says "Goodness."  The novel comes to us in the voice of the girl’s mother, who is bewildered by her daughter’s disassociation. 

I don’t want to say much more about the plot of the book, except that things do eventually turn out ok, that the plot of the book is timely, and that Shields was incredibly talented, sensitive, insightful writer.  I really wish she had been able to give us another few books.

Filed in Books | One response so far

One Response to “Unless”

  1. Janeon 09 Apr 2007 at 10:28 pm 1

    Now, there’s another book I loved. I treasured it as I was reading it, in its pre-pub form, so I experienced it without sadness. I wish everyone could have had that opportunity, and yes, I wish we could have more from Carol Shields.

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