
Posted by on Friday, March 6th, 2009

For a while there my Google Reader was showing me four digit numbers. I couldn’t read most friends’ blogs from work, and I was working a lot of overtime just in case Scott’s job search didn’t move as fast as we hoped. Last weekend while I was editing the new blog CSS, trying to build a blog roll (still working on that–editing links makes me want to scream) and migrating content, I knuckled down (how sad is it that even blog reading is like a homework assignment to me?) and read and read, and last night my google reader count said 0. So this morning it only says 23. Ahhhhh.

Have you entered the lovely little blog warming contest yet? You should. Lovely prizes, a happy Lanea, a much better design–what’s not to like (and how much do you want another parenthetical aside)?

Filed in blather,felting,Music,spinning | 2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Reset”

  1. gayleon 07 Mar 2009 at 10:10 pm 1

    (I love parenthetical asides!)
    Is moving a blog as much work as moving a household? I shudder to think…

  2. Rachelon 11 Mar 2009 at 7:20 pm 2

    I abandoned my Google reader account for that very reason, and restarted a bloglines account with, say, 5 blogs on it. I just couldn’t cope with the numbers that were piling up!

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