Passing the time

Posted by on Monday, March 23rd, 2009


The prizes are done and ready to go to Martha, Shelia, and K.

hellebore1 crocus

Things are blooming in the garden.

daffodils hellebore3

snowdrops iris

And I’m puttering away in the studio.

socks rug

And visiting chickens, and friends, in Lovettsville for knitting photography (notice the “headless hen” trick below).

chickens chickens2

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3 Responses to “Passing the time”

  1. gayleon 23 Mar 2009 at 10:38 pm 1

    Oh, I’m so jealous of your flowers! We’re at least a month away from pretties in the yard. Maybe two months, if the snow doesn’t melt a little faster.
    It’s nice to see your rug growing.
    And those are some fine looking chickens!

  2. kon 25 Mar 2009 at 7:46 pm 2

    Mine’s green! Yay!
    And yes, you have spring, and we have a chance of flurries. But the robins are here, and they’ve been snowed on once, so we’re not far off now.

  3. kon 05 Apr 2009 at 7:41 pm 3

    Mine is here, and it’s lovely.
    (Really, you could have probably just sent me little scraps of material and I would have been fine. Notice I didn’t say this until it was here…)

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