With the quickness
Posted by Lanea on Wednesday, September 19th, 2007
(How’s that for a musical allusion in a title, eh? An old friend of ours joined HR’s band recently. I’m sure this makes sense to no one, but that’s never really hindered my blathering before . . .)
Right, posting with the quickness, because I need to get back to Battlestar Geek-lactica’s old seasons on DVD I can watch the newest season with Scott. Also knitting with the quickness.
I’m feeling comfortable enough with my new dead simple socks-in-process to show them to you. See–Socks:
That’s Silkie Socks that Rock in Lunasea. I wish it was more blue and less grey, but the texture of the yarn is absolutely lovely. And I’m not even going to keep them–I intentionally made them too small for my own feet as an act of contrition at the altar of the Sock Gods.
In other news, Jayme, who has already proven herself to be fabulous, gave me a really cool gift.
Her family has many of these, and some number of them were apparently made by her Grandfather (correct me if I get any of this wrong, Jayme). Anyway, they have enough to go around, so Jayme was kind enough to give me one. This is it folded up, and once you open it:
Ta-daaaa: free-standing thread rack. When it’s closed, the spools don’t come off the pegs, so it’s great for toting around. I have to decide which spools get to live in this new place of honor. So cool, this contraption.
The astute among you probably noticed a box in the background. It’s full of this:
Which is Fleece Artist’s Celtic Cardigan in Rainforest Morning. It’s mostly greens with a bit of blue and a bit of yellow. I think it will be stunning. So I have to rush through Lady of the Lake so I can start this, because I think I’m going to love working this yarn. Love. Also, I have to rave to you all about the folks at Colorsong. I ordered two kits (unusually extravagant of me, that), and they were on my doorstep in two days’ time with no extra shipping charges. I opened the box and realized I’d screwed up my order and gotten the wrong colorway, and still they got me the replacement yarn, well, with the quickness. To top it off, they have been very nice to deal with throughout. If only all web-shops were so good, I tell you. I’m so impressed, and I’m sure my wallet will hemorrhage out my gratitude for years to come.
Speaking of Lady of the Lake, it’s coming right along.
The back is basically done. Though it has a particular problem associated with wool in these parts. Yarrow is stalking the sweater. You can see him entering the right side of the frame. I’m going to get myself ready to go to a lovely book signing tomorrow. You all can ignore the bad focus and make yourself a flipbook with which to watch the would-be massacre:
And that’s when he started trying to eat the wool and I had to intercede. Don’t worry–no knitting was actually harmed, though it was scary. No cats were harmed either, because I am amazingly forgiving when cats act like cats.
Filed in knitting | 5 responses so far
I’m glad you are enjoying the spool rack. I’m glad it’s found an appreciative home. As clarification we assume that most of them were made by my great grandfather, although this is pure assumption. He was a wood worker and made some gorgeous less utilitarian things too (like carved mahogany chairs that have cushions needlepointed by great grandma, and I think some claw footed tables too but I’m not sure)
i may not be with you on the socks, but i’m sooo with you on the battlestar galactica. and OH!! So jealous of the spool rack! I want one! Maybe one that will hang on the wall, and thus not take up any of my precious precious surface space reserved for sewing clutter.
Oooh, bad kitty…I live with a couple of those myself, always needing to be RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THINGS. Very cute puss, anyway.
Hey! I was at that book signing. I was that tired girl in the corner. Damn. You could have driven down from DC with us 🙂
Oh my gawd. You did NOT just make a Bad Brains reference, did you?? Because if you did, I may just have to ditch Caz and beg you to marry me.
Also, that spool-holder thinga-hoosum is like, the coolest EVER! You are a lucky gal, lady. 🙂