Busy Busy Busy
Posted by Lanea on Saturday, May 26th, 2007
Whoops. We’ve been racing around like mad, here. Busy busy busy (and yes, I do always and only use the phrase as Vonnegut intended. He infiltrated my skull way back in the way back, that old coot.) So I’ll fill all y’all in, and back-post some reviews, and try to mend my blog-neglecting ways.
First, Bodwin and Allerin came in and finished our kitchen floor, corrected some problems with our big counter, did some minor but very important roof repairs, looked over some electrical issues, and gave our dishwasher a good talking to. It’s good enough having someone come in and do tiling and other home improvement for us. It’s wonderful for those someones to be friends who our dog and cats love. I don’t think Kayo has forgiven the guys for finishing. And I can’t wait to have them back to do more. All of my years of This Old House viewing are no replacement for their expertise. I looked over the list, and a bit of paint, a possible new laundry room door, a bit of construction adhesive under the small counter, and some cabinet lighting are all that stands between us and a completed remodel. Ahhhhhhhhhh. (This is not the time to remind me that we started when rocks were soft.)
Then, we chicas Celticas went to the Potomac River Shore, like we do. The weather was wonderful, though the water was a bit too cold for most of us. There was great music, delicious food, wonderful company, hilarity–everything we demand, basically.
Tara, of course, took the photo with her wacky robot camera. Thanks Tara! And I have to point out that I somehow ended up in the tall row. I think it was the shortest WW ever. I should really only be in the tall row when I’m hanging out with little kids. We didn’t bar the tall ladies or anything (well, we did bar the tall men)–a few of the taller women decided to sit on the deck there. But I think we should all give some thought to calcium, weight bearing exercise, and yoga.
The weekend convinced me that I need an Ipod, so I ordered one and started copying all of our music. We have a lot of music. And copying CDs to a hard-drive has to be one of the worst accompaniments to knitting ever attempted. Blanket progress is dramatically slowed by all of the CD wrangling and button pushing. But I’m up to the Is, have about two weeks of music saved to a drive, and impatiently awaiting my new gadget.
All of the recent travel (Beltaine, MD Sheep and Wool, and the Women’s Weekend) have gotten well in the way of gardening. But I did get a couple dozen asparagus plants in. It cost me one of the worst allergy attacks I’ve ever had, and I got to harvest many many rocks from the vegetable bed as I worked. So I’m afraid I’ll have to turn into one of those people who wears a surgical mask while gardening–at least while spreading gallons and gallons of compost at once. But fresh asparagus next spring! Worth it.
Filed in blather | 2 responses so far
Congrats on getting the finishing bits on the total remodel. Yay!
Now for some strange reason I think of you as quite tall. So, you are supposed to be in the short row? =0) An Ipod. I think I want one for Christmas, either that or an MP3 player. *balances the two things in her itty bitty mind*
Hey its Dami. Moved and have new address. Lost all of my stuff and don’t have link for Groovies. Could you forward it to me?