Needles down
Posted by Lanea on Monday, January 12th, 2009
A small locker-hooked rug finished:
A bug new, hooked rug begun:
I’m using leftover and recycled yarns for this, which is great fun.
And, finally, a huge linen scrap quilt top finished:
Excuse the flash and stray threads and skewed seams . . . Hot damn, am I glad this is done. It’s 103″ on each side, which is truly–and unreasonably–big. But I had all this linen, see . . . It’s far from perfect, but I’m still in love with it. The colors and texture in real light and up close are far more pleasing, and I love thinking of all of the garments I made for friends that left the scraps to make this. I don’t know how I could possibly quilt something this big on my machine, and there is no place in my house where I can actually lay it out flat to set up the quilt layers, so I guess I’ll start researching local long-arm quilters. And, you know, saving up so I can afford to hire someone to quit this beast.
Filed in knitting,rug making,sewing | 6 responses so far
Do you have a link for a decent explanation of locker hooking? I can’t make any sense out of it.
And really, I have to go with you when you go fabric shopping. I have to admit I got into a nearly real fabric store just after christmas for the first time in at least a decade. Geez that was fun. It would have been better if I’d had money, but still….
Love the locker-hooking! Can’t wait to see what the second one looks like. You’re just pushing me closer and closer to the edge of a new hobby…
Have you considered tying the quilt? Might be easier to manage in limited space, plus tying linen might be easier than trying to quilt linen. And you could use some kind of fabulous yarn or thread to do the tying!
Beautiful, beautiful! I recently rec’d my stuff from Jeane D. & look forward to working on a project.
I loooooove those hooked rugs. LOVE THEM! I am looking at them and I want to push my bare toes into them! That circle one is going to be fab. I remember doing something hooky when I was a young teen, and it being SO much fun.
The quilt is lovely! And I always prefer BIG quilts. I want a quilt to drap over the side of the bed and hide the sheets that are invariably hanging all askew.
I know the Artful Quilter in Centreville does quilting, and it’s a disastrously awesome shop to wander into. I can never leave without spending twice as much as I intended. They might be booked up for a while though, but thought I’d point them out 🙂
I’m going to a rug hooking showcase on Sunday. I love your rugs and think I might be developing a new fiber habit! 🙂
The rugs look fantastic! Way to go!
I love the quilt too – looks like one my grandma had (waxes nostalgic……)