
Posted by on Monday, January 9th, 2006

I have utterly failed in making sure I send personal thanks to all of you, but I just wanted to pop in and say that Scott and I really appreciate all of your kindness.  It means so much to know so many people are thinking of us.  Thank you all. 

Scott starts physical therapy today.  He still has a fair amount of head, neck, and back pain, so I hope the PT can help a lot with that.  We got Scott a new car over the weekend.  Buying a car is a huge pain, of course, and one we don’t feel the need to repeat for a while.  Suffice it to say, we found one car dealer we will curse forever, and one who was really great.  He got a Camry, which has side curtain airbags (a new requirement in my book) and is a pretty safe car all round.  We’re also likely to talk to a lawyer this week so we can be sure that any medical expenses will be handled fairly. 

And our lovely cat is still holding on and in a great mood.  Scath has asked us to allow him to be an outdoor cat millions of times in his 12 years.  Last week, he was meowing at the door, yet again, while our dog Kayo was waiting for Scott to play fetch with Scott.  I turned to the cat and said "Scath, you don’t go outside."  And Scott asked the $10,000 question: "why not?" 

So we are indulging Scath in escorted trips around the back yard, which he absolutely loves.  He gets more adventurous every time, so we may be forced to commit the ultimate offense against Feline kind and get him a leash, because neither of us wants to call the vet and explain that we’ve lost our cancer-ridden, drug dependent, elderly charge.  Scath really wants to be outside so he can attack the ginger Tom who is always peacocking him through the window, and because Kayo goes outside, and one’s subordinates are supposed to have less freedom, not more.  I’d blather on more, but His Majesty is calling for his morning constitutional.

Edited: Oh, and I finished some socks, and started some new socks for Scott, which will be too loose in the ankles because he has big heels.  But that’s ok–first socks are like that first pancake, which is really a dog treat, because the dog wants it now now now and we humans know the next pancake will be so much better.  And a sweater–I started a cabled cardigan yesterday out of some gorgeous emerald green mohair/wool yarn I had made for me by Annie Kelly at Kipparoo Farm in Maryland.  This is my first cabled project, a pattern of Annie’s, and I’m liking it.  But the true joy is all in the yarn.  There Kiparoo site isn’t quite up yet, but you should just call Annie, tell her what colors you like and whether or not you like mohair in your yarn, and give her your credit card numbers.  I kid you not (bad pun–sorry–very tired).  Delicious yarn.  The color is heavenl–er–terra-ly, and the texture of the yarn if gorgeous.  Very shiny, but in an organic way.  And it makes a very satisfying click when it finds its way home in each stitch.  I hope that makes sense.  Kiparoo does have a booth at Maryland Sheep and Wool every year, but I really love going to the farm itself. 

Filed in blather | 5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Gratitude”

  1. minnieon 09 Jan 2006 at 10:16 pm 1

    glad to hear scott is doing better and scath is enjoying his “senior” years. um, have you thought about a harness for him? might be easier to deal with him, and less likely for him to slip.

    as for socks, have you seen what aimee is doing? she’s doing two thousand socks(i mean six). she wants to know who is knitting socks, and wants to see if we can do 2000 in one year, or how fast it will happen, lol. i’m going to start the jaywalker socks, myself (yeah, i know, ajoiner, lol)

  2. lellaon 11 Jan 2006 at 12:30 am 2

    Good to hear that Scott is doing well. He will be in PT and you both will be getting back to your life routines after a time of great stress and shock.

    Skath will be fine with the leash after a time, and, yes, with a harness for cats, as minnie says. A very good looking little black cat I know (she looks like a little Scath) wears a harness and leash because she has run up a huge vet bill in her short life; she almost lost an eye to a raccoon we think.

    Socks, did someone say socks?

  3. Broganon 11 Jan 2006 at 8:24 am 3

    CRAP!! I’m sorry this happened and am glad Scott is feeling better!! All my best wishes for a speedy recovery and I hope that woman never gets within strangling distance of you.

  4. Rachelon 11 Jan 2006 at 1:20 pm 4

    Camry’s are good cars. We had one inherited from Jason’s parents, which they replaced with another Camry. They last for decades. I wish Scott well with the physical therapy. And it sounds like Scath won the kitty lottery. There’s some good sniffin’ to be had out there in the wild, you know.
    Finally, wander on over to the poetry blog–I finally creaked out another post.

  5. Besson 13 Jan 2006 at 9:25 pm 5

    Whew! Thank goodness. Whew. Man. Thank heavens for the progress and the new car and for the return of memory and do that PT. It seems so subtle and almost pointless – and it will oh so fix up a neck. Says the neck fixed one.

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