Small things
Posted by Lanea on Sunday, November 13th, 2005
Three small things:
Soon-to-be-felted Booties for a soon-to-be-born baby:
I don’t actually know the baby’s gender, but I figured this was a pretty blue for a child who is likely to have blue eyes. And the whole "so precious we must dress you to blend in with the sky so the evil spirits don’t snatch you" thing seems equally apt for girls, in my world. These will be felted soon, but I’m not sure how soon. I think some more yarn from the stash wants to turn into felted booties and slippers for kidlets. I’m trying to be a good little green and wait until I have more stuff to felt before I fire up the washer.
Auntie Wainright’s gloves for me:
A Kiparoo Farm pattern knitted from their fabulous Evening Myst yarn. The color here isn’t accurate–it’s much bluer in real life. This is a fun pattern, what with the picot edging and the band of ribbing to snug the wrist up. The yarn is so silky and shiny and lovely I can’t decide whether to knit it or pet it. Good thing I like it, since I have two sweaters’ worth.
And it’s my first blog-iversary. One whole year. Thanks for making it so fun.
Filed in knitting | 2 responses so far
Happy anniversery!
Thanks for sharing this year with your devoted fanz!