New neighbors

Posted by on Sunday, June 14th, 2009

Kayo and I were greeted by quite a surprise when I opened the sliding door for him this morning. A tiny little Mama cat and her kittens were on the back patio, and none of them were happy to see my sweet old dog.  We shuffled back inside and watched as kittens descended from the trees and ran out from under hostas and zipped across the yard.  I waited for the dust to settle, and then brought bowl after bowl of catfood out to the little family hiding under the junipers.


That’s a standard dog bowl.  I’ve filled it three times today and also given Mama and her kittens three cans of soft food, so I’m pretty sure they’re entirely on their own.  There are at least four kittens, all various combinations of gray tabby and tortoise shell.  The kittens are very hard to photograph, but I did snag a couple of  terrible shots of the bravest one.

brave1 brave

They’re old enough to eat solid food.  Mama is missing a corner of one ear, but she already comes when I call her so she’s not entirely terrified of people.  I’m putting out feelers to find homes for these cats, so cross your fingers for them.

I spent the rest of this weekend at the Potomac Celtic Festival.  The music was astounding this year, and we had good weather both days.  I took tons of photos and a few videos, so I’ll post those as soon as I can.

Finally, I present you with evidence of knitting.


These are the Harris Tweed socks, knit in Mountain Colors Bearfoot.  The colorway is Lost Trail.  I love the socks, but they’re a bit too warm for summer wear.

Filed in Uncategorized | 4 responses so far

4 Responses to “New neighbors”

  1. Janeon 15 Jun 2009 at 5:37 am 1

    Oooh, kittens! I’m glad you fed them, because some people might not. Around here feral cats who’ve been picked up and neutered have a clipped ear, but that’s obviously not the case with this one. The socks are lovely — now are you ready to Hedgerowalong?

  2. Bullwinkleon 15 Jun 2009 at 8:46 am 2

    Oh! What little darlings!!! Thank you for taking care of them (and trying to) find homes.

    We had great weekend weather for the Celtic Festival – glad you had a good time. (You deserve it!)

    Love the socks. I do beg to differ on one point, however:

    I actually took the dog running this a.m. in one of my lighter pair of handmades. Its rained so much, so hard, so long that I didn’t have 1 pair of clean (manufactured) socks. We had to be sure to stay out of the mud.

  3. rachelon 17 Jun 2009 at 8:52 pm 3

    Oh, the mama cat looks lovely–what a beautiful coat. I love torties. Poor little kitties…but at least it’s not winter, and they knew the right house to go to.

    I’ll have to check out the Molsky videos later from home. I’m so glad you got to get out and have some fun!

  4. mapgirlon 18 Jun 2009 at 8:44 am 4

    I am confused. I thought tortoiseshell cats were sterile?

    Those kittens are nom nom nom cute. That wee little face! Adorable!

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