Two wrongs

Posted by on Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Math has made me her bitch, yet again.  Scott’s sweater isn’t going to be right, I should have known better than to be so blithe about my calculations, and I’m going to have to start over.  I think I’ll start over in an entirely different yarn.  And maybe I’ll finish that too-small sweater and give it to Dulaan, once I get over the self-induced slight.

I accidentally started Midwest Moonlight, from Scarf Style, to have something other than the sweater, more interesting than the blanket, and less demanding than Print O’ the Wave to work on.  It’s a lovely scarf, and I’m really impressed with the Knit Picks Merino sock yarn I’m using for it.  I’m not sure whether or not I’ll keep it, but it’s a great diversion in the mean time.

I’m surprisingly cheery about the sweater  debacle, because something else that was wrong is apparently going to be set perfectly to rights, perhaps by the end of today.  All hell broke loose at work: my manager abdicated his responsibilities and asked absolutely the wrong person to do my annual review.  She is unfamiliar with my work, apparently has an overwhelming problem with me personally, and has less of an attachment to truth that I would prefer.  She took the opportunity to slam me.  It was a strange thing, because, if nothing else, I am a very hard worker.  Being me, I had to contest my review.  It’s all been terribly stressful, but I think I’ve conducted myself well, I think I am about to come out of this smelling like roses and my adversary is going to look like a vindictive, lying jerk.  Today is the big bad sit down, my coworkers and client are on my side, and I am breathing a huge sigh of relief.  So trouble with gauge in a sweater?  Not so bad at all. 

The last time I was in a really bad situation at work, Scott got me a lovely silver Ganesh necklace.  It was  a huge comfort to me then, so I took to wearing it again.  I don’t claim to be an expert of Hindu myth, by any stretch of the imagination, but the Destroyer of Obstacles has got to be one of the most appropriate inspirational figures in the human pantheon.  I’ve got some big reading to do. 

Filed in knitting | 8 responses so far

8 Responses to “Two wrongs”

  1. Junoon 08 Feb 2007 at 11:06 am 1

    I saw an exhibit in LA of Indian statuary and I’ve been on a semi-causal search since then for a Ganesh statue for my house.

    It has to be the RIGHT Ganesh statue, you understand.

    There’s something about that particular deity that makes me feel like it will all work out OK, you know?

    Also, does anyone need kicking? I’ll bring my Docs.

  2. rachelon 08 Feb 2007 at 11:28 am 2

    Do you think it would be unrealistic for me to provide you with an alibi so you can get away with strangling her?

  3. megon 08 Feb 2007 at 3:03 pm 3

    I find it personally satisfying to keep a mental list of “people whose houses I am going to egg this weekend.” It goes with my fantasy of going around with a raw egg in my coat pocket to throw at drivers who make me mad.

  4. rho1640on 08 Feb 2007 at 8:15 pm 4

    I know you came out of the meeting feeling great – I can’t see how anyone could have a problem with you… geeze she must be an idiot…

    Forgot to thank you for the excuse to put my favorite poems on my blog – it brought back a bunch of memories thinking about the poems in my house growing up – and it really stretched my search abilities to find them online to share them.

  5. KnittnLissaon 08 Feb 2007 at 9:59 pm 5

    Oh, honey. Out of the albatross and into the fire! Virtue will out! You are sunshine.

  6. Marthaon 09 Feb 2007 at 5:39 pm 6

    Honey bun,
    One of my fav fantasies when I think someone’s buttocks should be kicked is to imagine Miss Piggy giving out a loud “Iiii-yah!” as she flies through the air, bejeweled fingers ready to grasp onto the neck of her wrongdoer.
    Hope your meeting went well – you are a peach in addition to being a hard working worker bee & hopefully they are glad to have you there.

  7. Thornyon 11 Feb 2007 at 4:48 am 7

    Oogh, have battled the Vicious Psycho Coworker, it’s not fun. I’m glad, at least, that it sounds like you’re going to come through with flying colors.

    I know goodness is supposed to be its own reward, but sometimes… it’s nice when it leads to other rewards as well. 😉

  8. lellaon 12 Feb 2007 at 4:50 pm 8

    Sheesh.. I hope the Jerk gets a little ride on the rail, all tarred and figuratively feathered.

    You have two lace projects going and I’m windging about one? I have no guts. True

    Too bad about the sweater. Math really is a living breathing devil. I agree.

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