Inch by inch

Posted by on Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

New hedgerow socks for my Mom, who is healing from surgery and gearing up for chemo and radiation.  The Frija is officially a hit with my Mom, who loves the color and the yarns’ exquisite softness.


The hedgerow madness continues.  I finished these socks and needed movie theater knitting, so I grabbed the leftovers from a previous pair of hedgerow socks and cast on a hat.  “Inventive” isn’t an appropriate descriptor for my knitting at the moment, and I’m ok with that.  The hat kept me busy through the new Harry Potter film (don’t worry–no spoilers here) and is fetching so far.


Both projects are sitting on the flagstone path I’m building on in our back garden.  It’s far from complete, and I need more stones, but it already makes me happy.

Our friend Mike saved me from myself a couple of weekends ago, clearing out a big section of our garden that had reacted too well to this spring’s copious rain.  The annoying English Ivy and Virginia Creeper was joined by a touch of poison ivy and some really aggressive American blackberry and multiflora rose.  My poison ivy allergy has reached a new height, and I don’t want to risk any sort of reaction or infection when my Mom starts chemo, so Mike stepped in.  I’ve continued clearing the next portion, which is free of poison ivy.  Now I’m contemplating what to plant in this area, Kayo’s favorite spot.  There are tons of roots from mature trees, lots of shrubs that need hard pruning, a young volunteer pin oak which I hope will supplant the aging silver maple, and soil in need of some serious help.  I have visions of loads of compost and mulch and shipments from the Arbor Day foundation.

cleared1 cleared

Filed in gardening,knitting | 2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Inch by inch”

  1. anjon 21 Jul 2009 at 1:27 pm 1

    personally I love a day lilly. Or perhaps some iris? Not myrtle as it takes over (yes I realize lilies and iris’ take over) perhaps herbs like an old fashioned english herb garden with rows or circles?

  2. gayleon 22 Jul 2009 at 6:45 am 2

    I like the herb garden idea, but then again, that’s what I’m working on as a long-term project, so I’m probably biased…
    I was so allergic to poison ivy as a child that I had to go have a series of desensitizing shots. I still get skittish when I see it, even though I no longer get that head-to-toe reaction to it.

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