
Posted by on Monday, January 28th, 2008

Sallyjo suggested this great meme, and I was excited to participate: post a photo of a bookshelf that is revealing about your self.

Well, really, this is pretty darn easy for me.  I apologize for the flash-induced greasiness.  But there are the opening shelves of our library, and the beginning of my Celtic Studies collection.  It takes up, well, a lot more than these shelves.  On top–a bleached buck skull and an antique fiddle I can’t play.

First shelf: my songbook (I made it), a drinking horn (Shrew made it as a custom piece for me) and a bunch of mythology and a few large-format books.

Second shelf: a photo of me standing on top of a dolmen on the grounds of Blarney castle, an antler I picked up from the side of the PA turnpike, a Brigid’s Cross I brought home from Brú na Bóinne, a bobcat skull some dear friends us as a wedding present, and one of those fake distance signs.  Behind, more mythology and a bunch of history books.

Third shelf. a photo of me that you can’t make out, some travel, history, and poetry books, and the beginnings of my linguistics section.  Those small blue books are all Middle Welsh myths and poems I’ve translated, and the red ones are Old Irish.  The white book next to them rewired my brain a while back–it’s Thurneysen’s A grammar of Old Irish.  And it was the key to a language my brain needs like food.

Filed in blather,Books,Celtic | 2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Bookshelves”

  1. kon 29 Jan 2008 at 12:06 pm 1

    Oh, I am so jealous. I want friends who would give me a bobcat skull for a wedding present.
    Thanks for playing. I’m learning that other people have really interesting lives, and are comfortable with it.

  2. kon 29 Jan 2008 at 12:47 pm 2

    And clicking through on Bru na Boinne, I got thinking. How wonderful to have the time to build such monuments to – well, to time.

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