Filling in the gaps

Posted by on Thursday, March 20th, 2008

I ended up scrambling to affix beads to the points of the Heather Ale sweater on the metro yesterday morning.  I was desperate to wear this thing, and a night’s rest gave every single beadless point the chance to curl right up.  I’m not entirely sure about these purple beads–I have clear ones in the same size and shape I could swap these for.  Waffle waffle . . . What say you?


I’ve also had to come to terms with the fact that the steel circulars are making me a crazy tight knitter.  I like my socks very very sturdy, but this is madness. 


I’ve used slightly more than 50 grams of yarn–that’s more than half of a huge ball of sock yarn–to get about halfway up my foot.  And I only wear a size eight.  I need to frog and either start again on wooden needles or on a much larger size steel needle.  Grumble grumble. 

To soothe my temper, I started these.  Purlewe  gave me this amazing mystery sock yarn at the KR retreat last fall.  I kind of want to eat it.  Or possibly marry it.  In the meantime, I’m making some horseshoe lace socks out of it.  On wooden needles. 


Filed in knitting,Music | 4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Filling in the gaps”

  1. Jaymeon 20 Mar 2008 at 8:29 pm 1

    I have some really pretty blueish green beads, size E I think but they are triangular in shape. If you want to see them I can bring them to knitting next time.

  2. Lellaon 21 Mar 2008 at 2:16 am 2

    :o) Since you asked the general universe, I think the darker colored beads would not pull the viewer’s eye away from the sweater itself like clear or light colored ones.

  3. Jenniferon 25 Mar 2008 at 5:20 pm 3

    As much as I am not a lover of purple … I like the purple beads! I think clear might get lost.

    And hey ~ beauteous sweater!!! Can’t wait to see it in person.

    Hugs, Jen

  4. Melissaon 25 Mar 2008 at 5:33 pm 4

    Oooh, I like the beads! I vote to leave them, I think they look great. And the sweater is gorgeous.

    Something must be in the air with the sock problems. No one I know is able to get a sock knit to their satisfaction lately. Frog it and start over, or you won’t be happy. (Spoken from someone who’s frogged about 10 socks in the last month!)

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