Healing thoughts
Posted by Lanea on Monday, March 31st, 2008
My friend Scott Hull has been waiting for a liver transplant for what seems like forever. As is often the case, one thing after another got in the way over the months, and he made it to the top of Maryland’s liver transplant list as his health got worse, and infection set in, and his first transplant failed, and on and on. Things got even crazier when his transplant surgeon was mysteriously put on administrative leave a week or so ago, and Scott and his wonderful wife Martha were sent to Memphis, Tennessee to try to get a transplant there.
Martha got the wonderful, frightening, much-needed news this morning. There is a liver available for Scott, and if all goes as planned his transplant will take place very soon. If you’re the type to pray or hope or wish for good things, please send some positive thoughts to Scott and Martha Hull, and to the supremely generous donor and his or her family. Someone I can never meet is about to save my friend’s life, and for that I am very grateful.
If you’re not a registered organ donor, please consider becoming one. My knitting friend Trish died unexpectedly a couple of weeks ago, and the only thing that lessened the blow was knowing that in death she helped many, many people who needed donated tissue and organs. If you’d like to learn more about organ donation, go here.
Filed in Celtic | 5 responses so far
you KNOW I am sending out prayers for Scott and Martha
You got plenty of prayers and positive vibes coming from me for your friend Scott. I used to care for pediatric pre and post kidney and liver transplant patients. It’s a rough ride.
I am so sorry for the loss of your friend Trish, I am an organ donor and have the sticker on my driver’s license.
I, too, am sending prayers and good thoughts and hope all goes well for your friend.
Organ donation is such a selfless gift. My whole family have the organ donor stamp on our drivers licenses. And I am in the bone marrow donor registry, too!
Will be thinking of your friends and hoping all goes well.
Yep, I’m an organ donor. So are both my kids. So very important, IMO.
Hey, that brown/blue yarn? It’s a new colorway I’ve developed for my wholesaling … if you want some, email me and we’ll talk 😀
Hugs, Jen
I am proud to be an organ donor. I am so sorry to hear of your friend’s sudden passing. *hugs*
Sending up many positive thoughts and prayers of health and healing for Scott!