Putting my feet up

Posted by on Friday, July 11th, 2008

I finished my Spring Forward socks, and I think they’re pretty darn cool.  The pattern was great to knit and the socks fit well, but I’m not so wild about the yarn.  I’d like it to be a bit softer–I think I am officially and permanently spoiled by fancy-schmancy sock yarns, sans nylon and preferably containing merino or some other luscious breed. Since I have that darn commute requiring job and essentially no vices, I embrace my yarn-snobbery.


After some remodel-induced procrastination, I suddenly lucked into a ridiculous linen sale and bought upwards of 40 yards of fabric to make into clothes for the Celts. I have a lot of washing and ironing to do before I can even start cutting and, well, cutting isn’t even any fun.  Had I not found the linen cornucopia, I probably would have broken my 15-plus year stint of vowing not to sew so much and then manically clothing a small village.  Luckily, there are adult beverages with which to refill that pint glass of mine, and we’re going to summer camp for a shorter stint than usual this year, so I have a bit more time to work.  Still: yikes.

Filed in knitting | 5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Putting my feet up”

  1. Melindaon 12 Jul 2008 at 6:34 am 1

    The socks look beautiful! Love the colour. Hope the yarn softens up for you 🙂

  2. Graceon 14 Jul 2008 at 11:48 am 2

    Your socks look fab (I really like the color). I just finished sock one of these and I LOVE knitting them. More than monkeys. These are my new obsession socks. And I am knitting them up on Numma Numma yarn which is delicious (and is soft despite the nylon content).

    Good luck with the sewing!

  3. kon 14 Jul 2008 at 8:48 pm 3

    Have you noticed (although obviously you’re not part of the trend, but possibly the source) the big bunches of people getting back into sewing? (I admit, I keep buying fabric, and then there it sits. But I have excuses!)

  4. lellaon 16 Jul 2008 at 2:27 am 4

    It could soften up, sometimes yarn does. Sisal no, but yarn yes. They look, well, they look delicious. Great sock yarn is worth every pfennig. It sure is..

  5. rachelon 19 Jul 2008 at 12:33 pm 5

    I know I haven’t commented on your blog in forever, but I thought I commented on this one. Once again, tharted by blog security? Brainlessness? Dunno. Anyhow, I love the socks. They look spongy and cozy. And green, of course.

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