Point Lookout
Posted by Lanea on Monday, June 20th, 2005
Me, I’m just back from the beach, er shore, er river, uh St. George island, which is a little tiny island in the Potomac Delta in St. Mary’s County Maryland. Here, at the end of the island, in this giant cottage:
Except that shortly after this picture was taken a couple of years ago, that particular pier and gazebo ceased to exist. This weekend the water was much bluer and the sky never turned green–both huge weather positives in my book. That water is the Potomac Delta, and swimming in brackish water is a fine fine thing. Swimming and lazing and crafting and singing with a gaggle of your best gal friends is one of the finest things in the world. Had my husband and pets been there with me, I wouldn’t have come back to the sprawl. Though had my husband been there with me, he might have popped listening to the girly yak-yak all weekend, and he would have been disappointed by the lack of pillow fights.
In addition to the fantastic weather, we ate like empresses. Truly amazing food. I’m still drooling now. And on the way out a few of us stopped for blue crabs. Glory be, I love those sweet little bugs. And we made lovely little books together–wheeeee. And I finished a pair of socks I actually get to keep AND started another pair I will keep. And felted the egg onto Anubh’s hat, but forgot to photograph it, perhaps because I was allegedly drinking several adult beverages at once. And did I mention the yacking? There was a lot of yacking. Some of you adults may not have had a slumber party in a while. Go to a slumber party next weekend, I beg you.
We go to this spot every year, we girls. I think Brigid found the campground four or five years ago. I heart it. I’m not a classic beach person, so this spot is special to me: it is a beach with trees. And the water is very lovely and really quite shallow, so bad swimmers and inexperienced canoers like me are safe and easy the whole time. The first time we went to the cabin, I suited up and asked Mikele Ann to keep an eye on me, since I’m a terrible swimmer and she is a mermaid. She laughed and laughed and I didn’t know why until I walked about a half mile straight out into the river and could still touch the bottom. I love my Potomac delta.
Filed in blather | 7 responses so far
sigh. I heart it too.
We missed you Nanny! You are never allowed to miss the groovyweekend again, you hear?
what a coincidence! i AM going on an adult slumber party this weekend (actually it’s a family reunion, but it’s at coastal oregon, and the beach house we’re staying at is 2 blocks from the beach. the darling daughter will be at the beach 24/7, and i’ll send the boys with her occasionally, which means SO & i will have quiet time. WOOHOOO!!! glad you enjoyed it. i don’t swim well either, so i figure i’ll do alot of wading, lol.
I heart any beach. Actually it’s the water that I heart. er.. the shore..
um.. where was I going with this?
Oh! Was there a Named monster Hurricane that took the Pier and Gazebo that year?
Hi there! Did you know that there’s the most wonderful yarn shop right in St. Mary’s County – in Leonardtown. It’s called Crazy for Ewe. You practically have to drive by it to get to Point Lookout. Come see us!
Z-Hurricane Isabella was quite cruel to the whole Eastern shore region a couple few years ago. At our little hideout, they lost the pier and had some flood damage to a few of the cottages.
Ellen–I wish I had known about the shop in time. I’m lobbying for either a trip with my husband out to that area or another girls’ weekend at the cottage, so I hope to get to Crazy for Ewe within the next sixth months.
I sooooo love your blog. Anna Marie looks like one of my DDs. I was struck with instant lovethegal when I saw her in her new hat that you made her.