Q is for Quilting

Posted by on Thursday, August 28th, 2008


Q is for quilting.  I’m basically a novice quilter, and I have far more ideas than I have progress, but I’m guessing most of us could say that about one thing or another. 
I’m lucky enough to have friends and family who are far more experienced than I am and willing to help, which is such a boon.   I think that’s actually the real beauty of fiber arts and other traditional skills.  We maintain knowledge of quilting, knitting, music, cooking, and so many other things by sharing them, generation to generation, neighbor to neighbor, parent to child.   In some ways, the skills transmitted are far less important than the acts of transmission, when we seek and offer assistance and knowledge freely and openly.  It may just be the best thing we humans do.

I gave the small quilt above to my friend Claudia, who should be having a new baby any day now.  I have the makings for a bedsize quilt using the same linen blocks, but I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed by the next step.  It’s easy to put knitting or sock bags or whatever other projects come to mind ahead of quilting, but I hope to keep learning and progressing. 


I primarily work on scrap quilts, hence the riot of color above.  I hate waste, thanks particularly to my Grandpap, and love to recycle, so scrap quilting seems like a no-brainer to me.  I started this crazy quilt when I was in college.  I’ve had friends draw the larger motifs wherever they wanted throughout the field, and I love what they’ve come up with.  The top is completely pieced, and huge–I used a queen-sized top sheet as the foundation.  I may trim it down to a standard size to speed things along.  I’d say about half of the embroidery is done, but I don’t think I can continue until I get a standing embroidery frame, because my hands just can’t take the stretch to the middle. 

Whatever I do or don’t finish, I love knowing that I’ve trimmed scraps from scraps from scraps and kept these familiar old materials around me.   In both of these ,  I remember where the fabric came from, and what I made from it for whom.  Pajamas, dance dresses, pillows, embroidery  projects–all sorts of things for all sorts of people leave me just enough to keep sewing just a little more.  I love that, even when it’s hard.

Filed in ABC along,sewing | 3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Q is for Quilting”

  1. gayleon 29 Aug 2008 at 10:37 am 1

    I love making scrap quilts, too. There’s something so satisfying in combining little bits of this and that, and making something beautiful.
    I also use scrap-pieced fabric for making bags. That way I can use up even the smallest bits.
    And, BTW, Thank you Thank you Thank you for recommending the Phillip Pullman trilogy! I’m halfway through The Golden Compass, and just won the trilogy on eBay the other day. (I’ll be giving the copy of The Golden Compass to my daughter when I’m done with it.) I can’t even tell you how happy I am!

  2. megon 29 Aug 2008 at 12:36 pm 2

    gaah. Just makes me want to get back to my sewing machine. Seeing as a good day is one in which I shower *and* eat breakfast, that’s not happening any time soon….

  3. kon 01 Sep 2008 at 8:44 pm 3

    I still love the baby quilt. I told a friend about it the other day. Someday my life will be…

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