
Posted by on Thursday, October 6th, 2005

As in, in love. 

I love the floor.  And Kayo loves the floor.  And neither of us are terribly bothered that it’s not done yet.  It will just be better when it’s done.

Kayo says: "Yeah, it’s not dignified.  Screw that.  My Mom was a husky.  Virginia is hot, and I’m wearing a fur coat without a zipper.  Tile is coooool.  Vacuum cleaners make good pillows. "

I love Brittany needles.  I broke one–just one–little DPN a few weeks ago.  I emailed the company.  They sent me this:

Three needles to make up for my one broken one.  I love Brittany needles. 

I love knitting this :

Particularly now that I’ve been able to move it onto the walnut Brittany needles.  Because I really am not so keen on clover circs.  Only a few inches on the upper bit of the front, two short sleeves, and a little tiny bit of finishing until my first sweater is complete.  I love that I am almost done with my first sweater.

I love October, and autumn.  And I love my dawwwwg, and my dawwwwg loves me.  Look at that smile:

My dog also loves sticks.  Fetching sticks.  Fetching sticks some more.  Chewing on sticks. 
Get your stick Kayo!  Atta boy!

Kayo says: "Yes, I am the best dog ever.  And no, I won’t move in with you, so don’t ask.  Did you see the floor my people are making for me?  Have you seen what they feed me?  Do you have any idea how bad I would feel if I abandoned my cat and my Scott and my very own Crazy Lanea?  Now leave me to my stick, please.  I’ve got work to do."

Filed in knitting | One response so far

One Response to “Enamored”

  1. KnittnLissaon 07 Oct 2005 at 10:17 pm 1

    Pretty floor. Gorgeous sweater. Great dawg. Life is good.

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