Happy Socksgiving!
Posted by Lanea on Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
Generosity is breaking out all over on Knitters Review. Chris heard I only had enough sock yarn to make about ten pairs of socks (does that qualify as poverty among sock-knitters? I thought I had plenty . . .), so she sent me some sock yarn. I was so touched that when I heard that Vi loved Opal Petticoat but hadn’t been able to get any, I knew I had to send her some. And, frankly, it would be stingy to keep all of the fun to ourselves, so we’re inviting all comers. We’ve got Jane, we’ve got lella, we’ve got Minh, we’ve got Jayme and Rose-Amie and Boogie-Amy and Kim and Angela and Corrina. What I’m wondering is why we don’t have you? Give yarn, get yarn . . . it may be the best game ever!
Here is how it works: each person agrees to give enough sock yarn to make a nice pair of socks, and each person will get enough sock yarn to make a nice pair of socks. I’ve made up a master list, and will be matching yarn to recipients. Email me if you want to join up (there’s a link over in the sidebar there, to the right). I need to know the following about each participant:
Full Name and name you post under, if that’s different
If you’re a blogger, your address for the links
Mailing Address
Fiber allergies
Color and fiber preferences for sock yarns, within reason (we will not be upset if you say you don’t do self-patterning yarns, but we won’t reward you for demanding quivit)
Type and color of yarn you plan to give
We do need to set a cut-off date for folks to sign-up–I’d suggest either the end of November or the first week of December–vote below if you have a preference.
And, well, we’ll run this a bit like a knit-along, mmmmkay? Update us on when you send yarn, when you receive yarn, and what you make with it.
Filed in knitting | 4 responses so far
I stayed out of that discussion since I wasn’t like every one. I think I have enough sock yarn for 3 pairs maybe? Count me in as a wild card giver since I’ll have to buy yarn to give away any.
am I in?
was I in?
where am i?
who am i?
vi who
I am in I suppose….. a charter member as it were….
It seems you started it all Vi 😉 Count me in. I am pretty sure I have, ahem, a few extra balls 🙂
Don’t knit socks. Don’t have sock yarn. Sigh.