New Best Friend

Posted by on Saturday, November 26th, 2005

Chris is my new best friend.  I heart Chris.  Look what was waiting in my mailbox:

I saw it and thought . .  . that’s a really big package for a two socks’ worth of yarn.  Look what she sent me:

That’s.  Wow.  That’s a bunch of nice yarn.  There’s lots of Regia, there–you can read that.  And above are two skeins of Wildfoote in Blueberry and two balls of gorgeous Cherry Tree Hill.  Mmmmmm.  Yarn.  And the best part is, I’ve never knit with any of these yarns.  I can admit it–I’ve been a bit obsessive about the Bearfoot.  But it’s branching out time. 

There’s no way I deserve all this niceness.  Cuz, you know, with the Crazy.  But I am busily attempting to live up to Chris’s kindness.  I’ve been arranging yarn gifting a bit, and working away on some knitted gifts.  I’m almost done with a present for Aunt Judy (the aunt Judy from the essay, donchayaknow), and am making some socks out of Lorna’s Laces Sportweight that my Sis-in-law was liking the looks of. 

I spent Friday working like a madwoman making the famous seven layer chocolate-hazelnut cake, using a traditional recipe from our Danish friend Christine’s family.  It was one of the most challenging cakes I’ve made, what with all of the meringue and the difficulties it causes trying to free the cakes from their pans.  It was a huge success, and I’m sure I’ll make it again.  But next time, there will be parchment paper.  And photos.  I promise photos.   Currently, I have a little bit of the cake itself and some pieces of broken layers and a container full of chocolate whipped cream.  Must. Not.  Eat.  Delicious.  Heaven.  For.  Dinner!

Once the cakes were squared away, I made a ton of food for our small group of guests (I think we hit 24 people, which isn’t terribly many for a KF Thanksgiving reunion.  We had a crown roast of pork stuffed with (drum roll please)  . . . pork.  The stuffing was lovely.  I was amazed we got any of it into the roast or the oven.  And we had two kinds of cheese fondue.  And roasted potatoes and homemade ice-cream, but, um, we didn’t serve those on the same plate or anything.  And I managed to take not one picture, because my camera’s batteries died.  But a fine time was had by all, and it was great to get folks from far (yay Mr. Mike showing up from Delaware!) and further (Dobbs all the way from San Diego–he’s our regular party-excuse generator).   

Long weekends with presents and baking and visits from far-flung friends are much nicer than weekdays with so much time in that stupid office.  Sigh.

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