
Posted by on Wednesday, December 21st, 2005

Here we are on the shortest day of the year.  I, for one, am ready for some longer days and some brightness.  Keep warm, do something kind for someone you love, and welcome the sun tomorrow morning.  Here’s a little snippet from a lovely revision from Aes and Etaine, two of my favorite women:

The Wheel keeps on turning, through dark and through light,
and we sing to its honor, on this longest night.
Green branches in the winter promise life to be,
and the first tree in the greenwood, it was the holly.

If you want to hear the whole song, well, come find some assortment of us when we’re in a singing mood. 

Filed in Celtic | 3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Solstice”

  1. lellaon 22 Dec 2005 at 1:27 am 1

    I was born on the night of the winter solstice 62 years ago. It’s always given me a headstart in moon dancing during the summer. I love the dark.

  2. minnieon 24 Dec 2005 at 9:27 pm 2

    happy yule!

  3. lellaon 29 Dec 2005 at 7:08 pm 3

    Oh Lanea, if he is purring this is a good thing. I know you are Snuggling him up every spare moment you have.

    Holda looks a lot like Lilly, my new little wheel. Maybe they be kissing cousins.

    And the basket is gorgeous and wonderful! I’ve got a basket of my grandmother’s from the Virginia hills, small and round but made of those stips.

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