In short

Posted by on Tuesday, December 27th, 2005


is still alive and purring, though terribly noncommittal about his plans for January.  He’s thinner than I would prefer; a bit too interested in my sock yarns and their new handmade Virginia Jenkins basket; quite sick of having pills shoved down his throat; and has been well and truly photographed by my Step-Dad: he of the many lenses and the great skill:

You may think this expression is peaceful.  What you don’t know is that Scath is busily hypnotizing my Mom into giving him her wallet.  Me has mad skillzzz.

My sis-in-law’s Christmas socks:

Are soft, warm, and well-fitted according to her feet and lovely according to her eyes.  All is well.

My nieces’ ballet-slippers . . . are making me bat-shit crazy.  I won’t even reward them with photographs.  If they don’t shape up tomorrow afternoon, I’m going to have to find another use for lots of pastel mohair.   I have met better-written patterns.  I don’t have the strength necessary to snap the size 13 bamboo circs in my bare hands but–slippers, you listening?–I have accelerants, a lighter, and an abiding interest in the transformative power of flame.

The linen quilt:

has decided that blocks of this leaf print are much better than sashing.  It also wants you to know that it is much bluer and greener and not so gray.  And that some will receive the treatment above, and some will become joined with a different leaf print with a white background, and probably become a baby-quilt or two. 

And my family:

procured the kind of present that makes a crazy girl even crazier.  See how jealous the Ashford looks . . .

I love the way she is tilted forward, as if a bit drunk.  She spins very smoothly, and she brought some lovely muddy brown Coriedale along for the party. 
I think her name is Holda

And Scott . . . Scott got me a present that is too good for words.  I haven’t photographed it yet because I’m afraid some of the crazier Crows may come try to take it from me.  He called up some folks I tracked down a while back, and what they made is breathtaking.  So the word of the day is "lunikeit."  Mmmmmm, silver. 

Filed in knitting,sewing,spinning | 6 responses so far

6 Responses to “In short”

  1. Anonymouson 28 Dec 2005 at 3:00 pm 1

    oh now you have left us in suspence, we want to see this silver present!

    Holda is a cute name! I can’t decide what I should name mine but I think mine is a guy. I just named my new laptop “starbuck”.

  2. pixieon 28 Dec 2005 at 3:01 pm 2

    oh now you have left us in suspence, we want to see this silver present!

    Holda is a cute name! I can’t decide what I should name mine but I think mine is a guy. I just named my new laptop “starbuck”.

  3. lellaon 29 Dec 2005 at 7:10 pm 3

    Oooops, posted to the one below! Holda is a lovely name, Lanea..

  4. Michelleon 29 Dec 2005 at 10:30 pm 4

    Beautiful kitty and great looking socks too!

  5. KnittnLissaon 31 Dec 2005 at 4:59 pm 5

    Hope Scott is quickly on the mend, and can’t wait for Holda and Jez’s first play date!

  6. Teyanion 05 Jan 2006 at 12:24 am 6

    Scath is absolutely regal!
    I especially love the picture of him hypnotizing your Mom….. sigh..
    cats are grand aren’t they. we are lucky that they choose to love us. So glad that he hung in there for Christmas. I pray that his eventual passing be peaceful and kind.

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