Little gifts

Posted by on Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

Between the puppy maturing and me adjusting to working from home, I ended up feeling the urge to churn out lots of little gifts this month.  This cowl is in cashmere silk merino, and it’s lovely.

Some socks:

A pile of hats:

I made a bunch of potholders out of quilting cotton scraps:

And several from sweater felt, which are also test blocks for a wool quilt I’m plotting:

Filed in felting,knitting,sewing | 2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Little gifts”

  1. KnittingKittenson 01 Jan 2017 at 9:54 am 1

    Wow- everything looks so nice! Those potholders rock!

  2. Kirstenon 06 Jan 2017 at 8:02 pm 2

    Your handwork is wonderfully even. And I still get jealous at the sight of your quilting.
    I started knitting little eeny mittens, but alas, acrylic, and my hands gave out. I did complete one.

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