Time to learn the Welsh National Anthem, everybody

Posted by on Thursday, February 23rd, 2006

Kiri is knitted, washed, and pinned out on a sheet in a pet-less room.  Tomorrow morning, I expect some good palatal double Ls and some fine clear diphthongs from all of you after I weave in the ends.  Halla-fricking-Lleu-Llaw-Gyffes-yeah.

And, as if that weren’t good enough, I have reached near-completion in my new studio.  I have to pick a paint color, buy an Ott light with one of those 40% off AC Moore coupons, and hang some pictures.  Would you like a tour?

If you stand in the door and look to your left, you’ll see the antique dresser where my garment fabrics and beading supplies live.   The bedroom in my parent’s new house is conveniently lacking in room for this beauty, so she moved here.  Underneath are stashed baskets that hold my hand-sewing projects, deerskin, and paper.

And then a desk in the back left corner.  Well, a farm table covered in electronics, and a very uncomfortable but exceedingly beautiful green antique chair.  I have two, for twice the butt-numbing fun!

Continuing on . . . some shelves with office-y books and supplies on the left and knitting books on the right.  The basket in between holds completed quilt blocks and the backing fabric;

and the hanging baskets hold buttons.

Yes, the antler buttons must live in the antler basket.  On the nose is not always trite.  Some things thrive together.  I’m hoping they’ll breed in there.  The other two neato baskets, built around some antique calipers and some antique smith’s nippers, hold shell and metal buttons, respectively.

Next: the sewing table.   Complete with flowers from Scott.  The big basket on the floor is the one, the only, the original  . . .

Crazy Lanea’s.  It holds finished garments seeking homes.  It’s nearly empty at the moment–one baby sling, one scarf, one knitted ruana, a couple of woven belts, two or three tunics, a Mongolian vest, and a half-dozen pairs of pants.  Good thing the sweat-shop studio is back in action–Lanea needs a new pair of Ewes!

On the right wall, a basket of things waiting for machine-sewing, quilting and sewing books and patterns, my inkle loom, quilting scraps sorted by color, and a basket of spinning fiber.

Finally, the wall to the right of the door holds the big stash-storage system:

Hubba hubba.  Yarn.  Fabric.  All sorted by color and fiber.  Handmade baskets and pottery on top.  A girl could swoon.  The wall behind should turn marine blue within a few months.  And then I may never leave.

Filed in knitting | 13 responses so far

13 Responses to “Time to learn the Welsh National Anthem, everybody”

  1. Jenon 24 Feb 2006 at 8:33 am 1

    Wow! I’m amazed! Great studio–now you can lay your hands on everything, all in one room, huh? Love that wall o’ baskets!(Is that Ani I see in your wish list box? Good stuff.)

  2. Mama Bearon 24 Feb 2006 at 9:38 am 2

    Wow great studio! I really like your use of baskets and space. Love the button baskets!

    Mama Bear

  3. vion 24 Feb 2006 at 10:25 am 3

    my studio is 18X23
    but all windows
    ( except for the solid stone wall on the back of the house…)

    I am exceedingly depressed now
    cause my studio is a nightmare of a mess

    it contains:
    wood stove and wood
    porcelain workbench and handmade mold storage
    fabric storage
    antique 4007 year old cat that won’t die in a large pen in the center so she won’t pee all over
    cutting table
    beading supplies
    knitting supplies
    miniature making supplies
    two dollhouses ( don’t ask)
    soap making supplies
    lotion making supplies
    home office of sorts
    bernie’s models
    bernie’s work bench
    bernies display shelves
    my general workbench
    my miniature work bench
    a tv and cabinet we never watch ( the only tv in the house)
    some cookie trays ( don’t ask)
    some kitchen cabinets cause bernie did NOT finish the kitchen……. and some are in here and the rest in the living room

    a cat tree…..
    4 cats
    occationally chickens.
    doll cabinet
    my spinning wheel
    my lost marbles

    can I come live with you?

  4. Rachelon 24 Feb 2006 at 10:43 am 4

    Vi beat me to the “can I come live with you” comment, so I will simply say wow. And hello, it looks like a freakin’ magazine shoot in there. I think Martha may be looking for some photo stylists…

  5. Jaymeon 24 Feb 2006 at 11:31 am 5

    Gorgeous, but we have to do something about that set of plastic drawers. This isn’t my typical “Lanea is afraid of plastic” thing, just that it doesn’t seem to fit with all of the pretty wood and baskets. Maybe if it was draped with fabric or something…

    So where is the wheel?

    (oh and vi, I have visions of you working at a teeny tiny miniature workbench, as opposed to a workbench for making miniatures)

  6. laneaon 24 Feb 2006 at 12:32 pm 6

    Thanks, everyone. Yes, you can move in. And yes, Martha should pay me. Just for living, she should pay me.

    The wheel is in the living room, and don’t worry, Jayme, the plastic will be covered. It hurts me more than you know, standing there, all clunky and artificial. Blech.

  7. Rebeccaon 24 Feb 2006 at 4:46 pm 7

    Ooh, I envy your organisation! I have a great knitting/fabric space and it’s so cluttery. I do have a deadline for the overhaul, sometime this fall (hopefully) we are having relatives and so it needs to be neat before that, since the other half of the attic is the guest room.

    And how do you get a pet-free space? My pets don’t come into the attic, but there is STILL pet hair up there. 😉

  8. Lissaon 24 Feb 2006 at 6:56 pm 8

    How fabulous, dear! Enjoy it in good health (oh crap – I’m channeling my grandmother now!).

    Miss you and hop to see you soon.

  9. Lissaon 24 Feb 2006 at 6:57 pm 9

    Still having both legs, make that “hope” to see you…

  10. lindaon 26 Feb 2006 at 1:27 am 10

    I am drooling over the cubes with the baskets. You could send a obsessive compulsive organizational freak into seizures!

  11. lellaon 27 Feb 2006 at 3:45 am 11

    Your creative space is a treat for the eyes, Lanea, and I’m sure that you will enjoy every minute you get to spend inside it’s walls. With that great light coming in and everything arranged around you in such well planned work spaces you’ve invited the good spirits and muses in. Brava! Thanks for sharing it.

  12. Rhondaon 30 May 2006 at 3:09 pm 12

    What a wonderful work space you have. I love the baskets and the coziness of it all.

    Best wishes from another StitchingNut!

  13. candion 05 Jan 2008 at 10:39 pm 13

    Where did you get the cubby with the baskets? I have been looking for something similar for my craft closet and can’t find a thing….

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