Clearing the shelves

Posted by on Wednesday, July 5th, 2006

I could tell you about the growing log cabin blanket; or about my attempts at re-training my hands;  or about the big fun we had over the long weekend (wherein Aes, Ulrich, and Aislin got a clogging lesson, and the porch band was freaking awesome, and a lot of people got soaked, and a lot of explosives, well, exploded, and we ate pie and brownies as if we had no manners).  But no.  Before I can do those things, I need to do my homework. 

I’ve been reading more and knitting less over the last couple of months, what with the metro ride and the hole in my finger and the crazy festival stress.  But I haven’t been reviewing the books I’ve read, which I need to do.  Because if I don’t, well, I’ll feel like those expensive bits of vellum and the work it took to get them were wasted.

And because of my need to be able to scan these entries, I’m going to play with time a little bit.  Just in the local, blog-world sense.  Not in the cosmic, "Where did that month go?" sense.  Just don’t mind me while I dust a bit.

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