Woolen wonderland

Posted by on Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

Happy New Year, everyone.

So, I was missing because I was busy, and I was missing because I thought I didn’t have anything much to say, and then I was missing because I was wallowing in wool. I got a rigid heddle loom. That loom plus my discomfort with our lack of winter weather plus some engrossing DVDs turned me into a complete hermit.

My first project is a simple rectangular shawl made with Kroy socks and Paton’s Classic. I used the sock yarn for the warp and just wove simple stripes.


Notice how I said “just wove?”  That’s a lie.  I bounced and giggled and tried to cuddle the fabric while it was still tensioned on the loom.  I told Kaio to look at the fabric over and over again.  (He didn’t seem impressed).  I actually let Yarrow wallow in the finished shawl–supervised, of course–because it seemed wrong not to.  I love warp-faced weaves, but they aren’t soft.  This is soft, and it has a lovely hand, and it’s not even made from anything truly luscious.  I’m holding off on the really fantastic stuff until I get my head around pattern drafts.


If you look at it up close, you can see how the thinner, variegated warp shows through a little bit.  The overall color of the warp is similar to the teal I used for the wider stripes, which is part of the reason the warp is so hidden.  I love the affect.

All that woolen, sheepy yarn turned me back towards my neglected Wool-along afghan.  I worked up a half dozen new squares once my Christmas presents were finished.


Two are Elemental Effects worsted, two are Shelter, one is Solitude Icelandic, and one is Solitude Tunis/Alpaca blend.  I didn’t need to dye any of these, which is part of why these yarns made it to the top of the pile.  With the two I’ve finished since I snapped this shot, I think I’m about halfway there.  If I really do manage to use all 22 breeds and the yarns I find keep yielding more than one square each, I’m going to have a ludicrous blanket at the end.  Ludicrous.  Yarrow will need a straight-jacket.


And this is my new loom, with a nice wide tabby warp on it.  Notice that the sliding glass door is open?  I do not approve.  It should be too cold here for such frivolous throwing open of doors.


This is more Paton’s, in the same two colors I used as the weft in the smaller shawl.  Honestly, it’s a bit thick to use as  a warp with this heddle, but since I don’t love warping, I’ll muddle through.  This time, I went for more yardage and more width but just one shuttle.


I’m waffling on whether or not I like how this combination of brick red and teal looks.  I think I like it better on screen.  I was toying with the idea of unweaving this teal weft and switching to gray. What do you think?


I’ve also been quilting, which I’ll show you next.

Filed in knitting,weaving | 4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Woolen wonderland”

  1. Annon 11 Jan 2012 at 3:13 pm 1

    Absolutely georgeous shawl, you’re right, it should be very cold out just to allow this beautiful shawl to wrap itself against the wind. Love the honest lines in it. You sound soooooo happy! Good job!!!

  2. bullwinkleon 11 Jan 2012 at 9:42 pm 2

    Colors are tough when looking at a screen – but I like the teal. It’s just enough to make me keep looking to find out if it is grey or blue.

    Love the weaving 🙂 and the afghan (excellent idea!) but I’m with you on the weather issues.

  3. gayleon 12 Jan 2012 at 7:58 am 3

    I would be more than happy to send you some of our snow. We’re getting a reload at this moment…
    Oh, the siren song of weaving. Must resist. Must resist. (You’re not helping.)

  4. kon 15 Jan 2012 at 3:59 pm 4

    It’s 36 here hard by the Lake. Should be 20. Record high? 37, in 2006. Maybe 2 inches of snow left on the ground.

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