Posted by Lanea on Thursday, October 26th, 2006
Edited to add: Wheeeee! I won some gorgeous Alpaca from the Blogger Bingo prize pool. Wheeeeeee! I never win anything in drawings. Wheeeeeee! Thank you so much, href=”http://stitchymcyarnpants.com/knit06/”>Stitchy.
And I went to the site for A Craftsman’s Touch Alpaca, where the yarn came from, and I’m pretty sure the man on the homepage is the same man I saw playing with his sons in the best way ever on Saturday afternoon near the entrance. He would act as if he was about to sneeze, and then fake sneeze, and then push the stroller (which was a double, and had an older kid in the front who knew how to brake with his heels, and also an older brother there for safety’s sake, and there was plenty of room and no innocent bystanders were harmed, so it was not scary and incredibly funny) and hilarity would ensue. And then the older son would act like the stroller was a raging bull, and the father would act like he was a matador, and more hilarity, as one might expect. Way to go, nice man with sons and alpacas. Got your Dad skills tight.
This is going to be a picture heavy post, so, you know, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Rhinebeck was only a little bit about shopping for me. I got some beautiful green roving.
And one skein of yarn.
Enough buttons for two sweaters.
And a wonderful fallow deer antler, which I hope Dark Mary can make into a distaff for me. If not, I guess I need to start weaving baskets. In my copious spare time.
No deer were harmed in the harvesting of the antler, by the way. The original owner shed this naturally, and the rancher who raised the deer just picked it up and brought it to the festival. Fallow deer are a European species, which is why that antler might look a bit odd to anyone who is used to White Tail or Mule Deer.
When I wasn’t shopping, I was having a great time hanging out with Janet and Jayme,
(Seen here with a terrifyingly big ram. No, seriously, he was terrifying. The ewes were afraid of him and his, er, ramhood.)
playing blogger bingo, meeting and catching up with other knitters and spinners, and meeting livestock. I really like livestock.
No really, I really really like livestock. I like Angora goats.
And badger goats
And amorous goats.
And goaty-looking ewes.
And future sheep guards.
Seriously, it was very very hard not to pop these puppies into my totebag. Or my mouth–whichever.
One day you will be mighty, Mr. Great Pyrenees puppy. For now, you’re an adorable, sleepy little snack.
Where was I . . . oh yeah, and sheep-colored llamas
And llama-colored llamas
He was majestic. And he wanted dinner.
And, um, sheep-amusing organ grinders.
But when it comes right down to it, I like Jacobs the best, and I don’t care who knows it. They’re goat-like sheep, and they’re a breed that was very important way back in the way back, and they have lots of horns, and bicolored wool. Sigh. Do you think the county government would believe me if I said they were dogs?
In short, Rhinebeck was a blast. I didn’t really take pictures of people much, because the cameras were getting to be pretty, well, insanity-inducing. But the animals didn’t seem to mind.
Filed in knitting | 9 responses so far
When we went to Wisconsin Sheep and Wool last year, we were stunned at the size of the various rams’, erm, ram-bits. Love the llama photos.
It was so great to hang out with y’all Saturday night! And thank you for not judging me too harshly for huffing that almond cake. I just couldn’t help myself. 😀
Now I’m just going to take that little puppy into the corner, and huff it for a while too. grin!
you lucky duck! that yarn looks fab! whatcha gonna make?
how cute are those puppies. i wanted one too. i tried to get a photo but there were too many people.
so cute though.
Antler? You bought an antler? Gosh, I had no idea . . .
And, congrats on your win! How wonderful to win something from such a nice human being, too (grin).
I tried not to look too closely at the puppies . . . Chappy would NOT have understood!
Cool on winning – it’s a good thing.
Lovely pictures – thanks for including the animals – it’s the coolest thing about the sheep and wool festivals I think – the sheep part.
And I love that you love Jacobs! Cause you know why I love them – they’re Cow colored! If you get one – I want one too!
Oh, Jacobs are my fave too. Just bought a partial fleece at the fall VA festival….
Great to see you at Rhinebeck!
Oooh, great photos!! I wish I’d been there!
So nice to meet you this past weekend at the KR Retreat! And I’m officially envious of your going to Rhinebeck. (Two trips to NY in one month — you heart NY, apparently!) The animals are my favorite part of a fiber festival, too.