I am not gloating.
Posted by Lanea on Thursday, February 15th, 2007
I am not gloating. I may seem to be gloating, but I’m not. Well, maybe I’m gloating a tiny little bit, but, really, who can blame me?
I am wearing a hand-knit sweater, and I was wearing a hand-knit scarf and a hand-knit hat and a hand-knit felted coat this morning (though I didn’t make the coat . . . but I totally could). Last weekend, I knit and spun with a visiting friend. This weekend, I’ll knit and spin with local friends. And quite possibly bake fantastic homemade bread to feed them. Unless I nap instead.
I have been re-reviewed at work, and all trace of the badness has been erased. And the icing on the cake? We had a bit of a staff meeting today, and every change our manager asked for from our team of six was a correction of the woman who was unfair to me. He’s demanding that she be civil and that she remember who actually writes her checks, and that she treat her coworkers with respect. She was sulking. I was polite and engaged. But I’m not gloating.
And my dog has snow. My dog loves snow, and he finally got some to play in. We’ll be spending much of the coming long weekend at the park having almost as fun as we would if Scott were home this weekend. Because when something good happens to me, Kayo get spoiled. And when something bad happens to me, Kayo gets spoiled. Really, it’s the dog who should be gloating. He’s clearly a genius, with his "job" playing with toys, hanging out with his two favorite people, and eating treats. It’s Kayo who is gloating.
Filed in blather | 8 responses so far
Oh you are so gloating — but well deserved gloating. Everything you wrote rocks… and the job stuff whoo hoo!!! I hope you did a happy dance when no one could see you 😀
I’d gloat too if I were you! Your post makes me really happy. Thank you!
Good for you!!! Ya gotta love being vindicated!!!
“All the issues have been resolved to her satisfaction. The purpose of all this was not to gloat, but to achieve justice.”
-Russell Smith
Hooray for vindication! Glad it all worked out. You’ve every right to gloat- gloating is good for the soul, so long as it isn’t a constant thing and one realizes when one is doing it, I think. 😉
Good for you! Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Bodhi says “Kayo, u need tu stik ur snout in da sno. This is my furst sno, and that’s my favorit part!”
Yes, I often serve as doggie transcriptionist.
Ha! See, that’s more than a step in the right direction–that’s a complete turnabout. Vindication is yummy. Enjoy.
Funny, it sort of smells like gloating…
Righteous vindication is sweet, sweet, sweet.
Please give my love to the animals.
Well, I think you are gloating, and why not. It’s not often that you can get a chance like this, so go ahead and take it. Every little centimeter. Yes. It’s only right and proper.